(Chapter 10)

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I watched her eat the candy bar, shoving it down in massive bites. She’s eating our last resources. I should be angry right now. But why do I find her so cute?

She glared at me, in between bites. She took another mouthful, and her whole face lit up cutely, kind of like when you plugged in a Christmas tree’s fairy lights. Then, once she was done with that bite, her whole face fell, and she glared at me again. Then she took another bite from the bar, and she smiled again, making a noise like a satisfied kitten.

Just staring at her face was entertaining.

“Why are you staring at me?” she hissed, finished with her candy bar.

“You know, now you’ve finished that candy bar, you have no other food left.” My own candy bar was still in my pocket. I will guard it with my life.

“How do I know you’re not lying?” she said, glaring at me. “You lied to me about your family, and you didn’t tell me you had food. You could be lying. You’re a mean guy. You are the meanest guy in the world, and I wish you’d go rot in hell, while –”

“Alright!” I yelled, chucking her my candy bar I was planning to eat myself. “Eat it! And shut up!”

Still glaring at me, she peeled open the wrapper, and bit into the top. She smiled sweetly, chewing. Then, when she finished the mouthful, she glared at me again, and I knew she hadn’t forgiven me.



I can’t walk anymore.

I collapsed onto the muddy ground, and I felt one of my blisters pop. Josh stopped.

“Are you okay?”

“Of course I’m bloody fine. That’s why I’m sitting on the ground. Because it’s so comfy.”

Josh grabbed my hand, and pulled me up. I snatched my hand away, and fell back down again.

“Don’t touch me!”

Josh crouched down next to me, his brown eyes looking very sad, so sad my heart hurt a little. Don’t sympathize with him, London! He is a bastard who lied to you, and hid food from you!

“Come on, London,” he said, smiling bitterly. “I’ll give you a piggyback. I’m sorry, okay?”

“No! I don’t even know you! You’re just a kidnapper!”

“Please, London. You said it yourself. We’re friends.”

“Not anymore, Josh. You lied to me.”

“I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to lie to you!”

“Well, it’s too late. You lied, okay? I can’t forgive that.”

“I told you I’m sorry.”

“It’s too late! Next time, don’t hide food from me!”

Josh stared at me for second. Then he fell over, laughing so hard tears streamed out of his eyes.

“Why are you laughing? Josh?”

“London,” he said, grabbing my hand, and staring into my eyes. Even though I was meant to be mad at him, my heart felt like it was about to burst. Damn him. “You’re not angry about how I lied to you about my past?”

My heart raced, and I opened my mouth stupidly.

“Sure, I was a little angry at first, but you’re doing it for your family. I can’t hate you for that.”

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