Chapter 2 | Keefe

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"Hey, Fitzy! I got us an invite to a party!"

Fitz looked up from his phone as if only just noticing now that Keefe was in the room. "Cool, who's hosting it?" 

"Wylie, remember him? He was in our class a few years back." Wylie and Keefe weren't the best or closest of friends, though they both liked football and hung out a bit, though always at school.

"Yeah, when is it?" Fitz asked going back to looking at his phone.

Keefe sighed in frustration, Fitz was always looking at his phone, he hardly ever talked to Keefe anymore. They used to be closer than brothers, though in the past few years they'd started growing apart. Fitz was more into dating than his friends now.


Fitz put his phone down, "Sounds lame." he said without one speck of interest. 

Keefe shrugged, "I dunno, I sorta want to go." 

Fitz just looked at him, "Why though?" 

Keefe rolled his eyes, "Well why not, besides, not like we'd be doing anything else tonight." Honestly, did that guy honestly not understand that he would be missing the first party of the year?

Fitz hopped off of his bed, "Yeah, fine we've got like..." he looked down to check his watch, "...half-an-hour."

The party may not be big, but like heck, he'd miss his first college party. "Perfect, and Fitzy, remember not to anything too stupid, I don't wanna be scarred from your dating life forever."

Fitz grinned, "Vackers shall make no such promises."


The party had already started when Keefe and Fitz walked in, it was just like a high school party, but more...intense. There were beer bottles strewn about the place everywhere.

How many people had Wylie invited? This was bigger than his dad's work parties, which was really saying something.

Speaking of the guy, Wylie came up to him, "Hey bro, glad you could make it!"

"Yeah, and wow, this is bigger than I'd thought," Keefe said with his eyebrows raised in surprise, "right Fitzy?" Keefe said looking to his side where Fitz had been standing. He wasn't there, "He must be enjoying this party more than I thought then." Keefe said.

Wylie snorted, "Well then, you're dirty-minded as ever, glad to see not much has changed." 

That was true, Keefe had heard from many people he was dirty-minded, but that wasn't entirely true either though. He just thought...more intense thoughts than other people.

"Well gotta go, enjoy the party," Wylie said and took his leave.

Keefe wandered around a bit, talking with a few people until his friend, Dex, pulled him into a game of beer pong.

Keefe was the master at beer pong, that was something everyone knew. After playing a few rounds, he got bored. There was nothing to do, and he didn't really know many people here other than Fitz, who was...Keefe didn't feel any inclination to think about what Fitz may be currently doing.

Grabbing a pop, he snuck out to the back patio, there were a few people there other than that he was alone. It was only ten, the party would most likely be one of the types that went out late into the night, and he was already bored.

"No Biana, bad Biana. This is the sort of thing I came here to prevent from happening." Someone said from behind him. Keefe turned around to take a look. There were two girls, there was one with chocolate brown hair and one with honey-gold hair. The one with golden hair was gorgeous, she had deep brown eyes and a light tan. 

"Just because other people do crazy idiotic things, doesn't mean you should too." The one with golden hair said. 

The other girl pouted, "Sophie-" so that's what the girl's name was, "please, everyone else is doing it."

"No, you're already tipsy, and I don't trust you right now," Sophie said.

"Fine, but I'm still going, I'm eighteen, I can make my own decisions."

"Not when your drunk out of your mind no." 

"You can't tell me otherwise."

"You are not going skinny-dipping in the lake with at night, with like, ten other people when you're already drunk," Sophie said her voice leaving no room to argue.

Biana squared her shoulders, "I'm going and you can't stop it." She said pointing a finger at Sophie, then she sauntered off and disappeared into the crowd of people.

Sophie scowled at where Biana had been sitting, "Jerk." She muttered almost imperceptively and leaned on the porch railing.  

Keefe walked over to where she was standing, "Hey."

She just gave him a nod and went back to watching the lake. 

That was something he wasn't he didn't expect. Most girls would kill to have him talk to them, and he knew it. "So, angry friend huh?"

She gave him a look full of irritation, "Yeah, why are you talking to me?"

Feisty then.

"Because like me, you also look bored," Keefe said.

She gave him a sly grin, "And by what account am I looking bored?" 

Keefe smirked, "My account."

Sophie smiled, "Okay, so you come all the way over here to tell me I look bored? You're a real charmer you know."

It wasn't often that Keefe couldn't think of anything to say, most of the girls he talked to always tried to impress him or something, not Sophie. She...didn't care.

"So, your friend's going skinny dipping...very—"

"Immature? Irresponsible?" Sophie said interrupting him. 

It was amazing how she just did not care that he was Keefe Sencen, a rich jock who was a total player.

"Something along the lines of that, I would have to say. My friend who I came here with, totally ditched me the moment we got here." Keefe said.

"So I'm not the only one who doesn't care about this party, Biana made me come, I can't say no to her, those who do don't come out ever looking the same again, but if I did say no then she might do something worse than skinny-dipping in a lake."

Keefe nodded, "Fair enough, though rest assured, her karma will be a major hangover tomorrow and trust me, those aren't any fun." He had a devious grin, "if you want to be mean, then I suggest that you make as much noise as you can when she's around, it'll sound really loud in her head."

Sophie shook her head, "You're a bad person, you know?"

Keefe rolled his eyes, "I greatly appreciate that."

"So are you going to remain 'Mystery man' to me or do you have a name?" Sophie demanded.


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