Part 24

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"...I mean, it is too early to draw any conclusions, and I am sure he was simply being neighbourly..."

Lizzy sniffed, wondering if Jane's justification was even persuasive to her as she spoke it. It certainly did not convince Elizabeth of anything at all.

"I am quite sure he stares at all his neighbours with such undisguised admiration," she whispered, swallowing a laugh at the bright shade of red that stained Jane's pale cheeks.

The two sisters were walking arm in arm to Meryton but, with Lydia and Kitty only a few feet ahead of them, were conducting their conversation in whispers. It would not do for Lydia to know even half of what they shared, for she would use her knowledge to undermine her sister at the first available opportunity, whether purposefully or by accident. It was a difficult balance that must not be upset by Lydia's interference. Jane must allow Mr Bingley to know that she did not dislike his interest in her, but to show too clearly where her own heart lay might betray her. Mr Bingley might tire of her, or his sister might intervene. Lizzy's smile fell. She had only met Caroline Bingley twice, but on neither occasion had that particular young lady endeared herself. She was clever and quick-tempered, not an agreeable combination. Lizzy suspected, from the way Caroline's smile had slipped more than once during the party's last call at Longbourn, that she did not consider Jane a suitable match for her brother. It was not impossible to imagine her interfering in their friendship, destroying whatever might grow there before it could properly flourish. Lizzy grew steely. She had had her own happiness spoiled by the opinions of others. She would not allow Jane to suffer the same fate.

"You shall see one another again at Lucas Lodge, of course," she continued, when they had walked in silence for a few moments. "And I think we must pay close attention to your interactions there. Mr Bingley is, I wager, at least two-thirds in love with you already. It should not be too difficult to edge him closer to a proposal before much longer!"

"Lizzy," Jane said, with an affectation of patience that fooled nobody. "You are kind to help me and to offer advice, but I feel I must remind you that Mr Bingley is a thinking individual and not a character in one of your books that might be manipulated and moved around at will."

"Is he not?" Lizzy raised her eyebrows as if this revelation was news, indeed, and not news she quite believed.


It was not Jane, this time, who called her name, but Kitty, who squealed and darted back to join her older sisters. "Do I look well? There are Mr Denny, Mr Blake and their friend ahead of us on the path, and I know Lydia will not be content to pass without calling them over."

She smoothed a non-existent crease from her skirts and lifted her chin as if inviting her sister's opinion. "Well?"

"Pretty as ever, dear," Jane said, always quick to offer compliments when Lizzy was not immediately forthcoming. "But I do not think it wise of Lydia to -"

"Too late," Elizabeth murmured from the side of her mouth. She drew her expression into a smile and turned to greet her sister's acquaintances.

"These are my sisters!" Lydia exclaimed, looking very much like the cat who got the cream, as she escorted three men clad in the handsome regimental regalia to meet the rest of her party. "Kitty you know, of course," she said, with a sniff that bordered on dismissive. "And then these are my older sisters, Elizabeth and Jane."

Lizzy frowned a little at the heavy emphasis Lydia had placed on the word "older" as if she and Jane were already grey-haired grandmothers, but when she looked up into a pair of clever brown eyes nestled in a handsome face, she hurried to smooth out her scowl.

"Girls!" Lydia declared, with an imperious nod. "This is Wickham!"

"Er, Mr Wickham, please, Miss Lydia," the stranger said, disentangling himself from Lydia's grasp and quickly stepping aside to put a little more polite distance between the two.

Lydia pouted but evidently still sought to impress him, so her smile was soon back in place.

"He has lately arrived in Meryton," she said, eager to display the knowledge she had gleaned from their momentary acquaintance. "A member of the regiment and a charming addition to our Meryton society, don't you think?"

Jane agreed, with an amiable smile. She also took care to greet Mr Wickham's two friends with warmth and affection. Both of the younger soldiers looked a little put out at how quickly they had been usurped in Lydia's flighty affections, and as if they rather regretted introducing her to their new friend.

"Miss Bennet and Miss...Elizabeth?" Mr Wickham said, bowing to the two older sisters.

Something about the action tugged at Lizzy's memory, a glimmer of a thought that did not fully form until Mr Wickham straightened, his gaze meeting hers, and she saw her own consternation reflected in his face.

"Well, now, this is a strange thing, for I feel certain we have been introduced before, Miss Elizabeth. Have we met?"

Lydia looked disappointed and opened her mouth to say as much, but Elizabeth shook off Mr Wickham's suggestion hastily, recalling all of a sudden precisely where it was they chanced to meet. She had successfully avoided acknowledging certain other friendships she had formed that four-years-ago summer in London. It would not do to change things now.

"No, Mr Wickham, I do not believe we know one another. Jane, come along! There is so much to do in Meryton before we go home again that we can't really afford to waste any more time dawdling along the way. Goodbye, Mr Wickham."

She turned, hurriedly, putting the stranger to her back, and found her breathing did not return to normal until she had moved some distance down the road.

Mr Wickham, here in Meryton! And Mr Darcy too? Lizzy swallowed past a lump that had formed in her throat, wondering just how many more memories of her past she would be forced to dodge before the week was out.

An End to Estrangement - A Pride and Prejudice VariationWhere stories live. Discover now