Chapter 5

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Scarlet's POV

Sunlight filters into my room and I lay my arm over my eyes with a groan.  Wait a minute?  Where is the sunlight coming from?  And... am I in a bed?...  I remove my arm and peek out with one eye as I adjust to the bright light that surrounds me.  Suddenly I'm sitting up, both eyes wide open as I take in the gorgeous room that I'm in.  How did I get here?

Long velvety drapes frame a huge arched window.  The walls are a light gray and are adorned with canvases displaying beautiful abstract designs that bring in some color.  There is a large white dresser with a gigantic decorative mirror hanging above it.  I'm sitting in a king-sized bed with deep, wine colored sheets and a lavender duvet.  There is a sitting area with two comfy-looking white armchairs with a small round table sitting between them, a vase of pink roses positioned in the center.  The exquisite hardwood floors are covered by a Persian rug that lies in the middle of the room. 

I throw the covers back before dangling my legs over the edge of the bed.  Stretching and flexing, I take stock of my injuries.  My body aches but not as bad as I expected it to.  I carefully step down, my feet landing on the rug before I walk over to one of the doors to the room.  Opening it, I find a large walk-in closet, complete with a tufted stool and a full-length mirror.  There are about a dozen outfits hanging in it along with several pairs of shoes.  However, it is still mostly empty.  I leave the closet and open the door next to it, finding a beautiful bathroom with a walk-in shower and stand-alone bath big enough for two people.  I turn to the mirror above the sink and my eyes widen.  Walking slowly closer I examine my dull, dirty red locks and the pallor of my ivory skin.  My eyes are sunken and I look sickly compared to my normal appearance.  I've always been on the thinner side, there isn't exactly an abundance of food in The Scourge, but now I look almost skeletal.

Turning around, I examine my back.  It has clearly been cleaned of any blood and the wounds are now mostly healed with thin strips of gauze over them.  I wonder who did this.  Why am I not in the dungeons anymore?  I reach my arms around to try and peel the gauze off, but I struggle to reach.  With a sigh I turn around, trying to figure out a solution.  I spot another small door and open it to find towels.  A shower would be nice and would help with removing my bandages.  Quickly picking out an outfit from the closet, I go back to the bathroom and adjust the water until the room begins to fill with steam.  I climb in and the hot water instantly relaxes my sore muscles causing me to exhale in relief.

I take my time as I lather up my hair and body, standing under the shower-head as water runs down me.  I don't know how long I'll be able to access such nice accommodations, so I might as well make it count.  When I walk out of the bathroom, toweling my hair off, I freeze mid-step.  Sitting in one of the armchairs is my mate.  He instantly sits up straighter as he sees me and I narrow my eyes at him.  "What are you doing here?"

The corner of his mouth quirks up as he gestures to a tray of food on the table beside him.  My eyes widen at the smorgasbord lied out in front of me, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, fruit, the works.  My eyes dart to him then back to the food before I sit down in the chair opposite him and begin digging in, moaning in satisfaction.  His eyes darken at the sound before he regains his composure.  "Be careful," he begins.  "You eat too much too fast after not having anything you're going to end up regretting it later."

I nod and place the food back down on the table, forcing myself to take my time.  My hands begin to fidget in my lap as I look down at them, chewing slowly as I can feel his eyes on me.  Finally, I can't take the silence any longer.  "So... umm... thanks for the food," I reply as I pick up a strawberry and take a bite. 

"You're welcome," he says simply, continuing to stare as if he finds me somehow fascinating.

I nod while I avoid his gaze.  Instead, I choose to observe my fingers as they twist around each other.  He still doesn't speak so I let out an exasperated sigh before turning to him.  "What am I doing here?  How did I get here?"

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