Professor Emrys

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I had this idea while showering and I have spent the last 2 hours trying to get my messy thoughts into a short one shot. I hope you enjoy! Also I have to say that it's currently 4 am so, please let me know if there are any grammatical errors and I'll try to fix them asap :)


"Seriously, Lilian! I love professor Emrys' class! The way he talks about history is so enchanting, it feels like he was actually there" Merlin heard one of his students exclaim as he walked into the auditorium.

"That's because I was!" the old man joked loudly and the students chuckled, Merlin chuckling with them, smiling brightly.

He put his computer bag on the desk and chirped a little 'Morning, class!' before starting his lecture.

Merlin was now sitting on his desk with his laptop in his lap. he looked up slightly "now that we are half way through the lecture, do you have any questions before we move to a different subject?" he asked, scanning the room while doing so.

Few students raised their hands, "okay, you, blondie. ms Rook, was it?" he raised his eyebrow at the girl.

Nodding, the girl opened her mouth, but was interrupted by a loud bang of the auditorium's door opening. In walked a blond boy, huffing like he had been running "I-i'm so sorry Mr. Emrys. It's my first day and I'm so lost" he chuckled nervously while scratching the back his neck.

Merlin looked at him with curious eyes "And your name, boy?" He asked while turning his gaze back to his computer screen.

"Uther Pendragon, sir" he said while getting seated on an empty chair at the back of the auditorium.

Merlin's head shot up shocked and Uther looked back at him confused. Merlin shrugged and spoke "New, you said?" Uther answered with a simple 'yes, sir'

"I see, I see" he said, nodding his head on beat with his thoughts

"Ah, yes! Ms. Rook, Igrain, would you be kind enough to show Uther around campus some day?" Merlin turned to the blond girl, who had forgotten her question to Merlin, and was now staring at Uther intrigued. With a nod of her head she answered "Yes, sir. Suppose, I can"

"Perfect! I leave you two at it then, but for now, let's get back to where we left off!" he clapped his hands and moved on to the next subject, thrilled and completely forgetting the other students who had questions about the previous subject.

That evening when Merlin got off work he walked whistling, completely over the moon, to the lake he had neglected for quite a while now. He sat down on the soft grass in front of the lake and let the cool autumn breeze blow through his hair.

"It's almost time" he breathed out, patting the grass gently. sighing with content he whispered "You're coming back. You're almost home, sire"

For the next 5 years Merlin watched Uther and Igraine grow closer to each other while he himself grew anxious. Arthur's birth was getting closer and closer and he couldn't have been happier.

Every night Merlin suffered from nightmares of what had happened over a thousand years ago, Arthur dying in his arms. The pain and nightmares got worse the closer he got to Arthur's return.

It was almost too much for him to bear, but he knew he needed to stay strong, for Arthur.

Merlin had heard that Uther and Igraine had married a year after they graduated college and were soon expecting a little baby boy.

During the 17 years Arthur was growing and Merlin had started the preparations. He were to quit his job as Professor Balinor Emrys a few years prior Arthur attended college so he could use his magic to make himself young again and attend college as Merlin, just Merlin.


Merlin took his normal route to the college and could feel himself grow more nervous with every step he took. As he made his way to history class he froze, there he was, Arthur Pendragon, his sire.

Merlin took a seat next to Arthur and Arthur turned to face him "Umm do I know you?" he asked confused. "Name's Merlin!" he smiled a crooked smile and stuck his hand out "So I don't know you" Arthur asked, but shook Merlin's hand anyway. "No. Well, at least not yet, but I have a feeling we're gonna be inseparable" Arthur laughed and Merlin gave him a big grin. I've missed you so much.

Arthur grinned "Name's Arthur" Merlin cut him off "Pendragon, I know" he grinned back.

Arthur shook his head smiling "There's something about you, Merlin... I can't quite put my finger on it" just like old times.


It's not long, but I hope you enjoyed it!

Thank you - Merthur one shot(s)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن