My Journey.

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It all started when I was a little kid, my Mother reading me books before I went to bed. It was my favorite time. Not too long after, I began to read them myself, I've been told that I was reading from a very early age, so I guess literature had all ways been a strong point for me. Not that the Penguin books were any sort of great literature, but hey. I was extremely young. This would go on for years, slowly gaining skills of reading and writing through reading books. I was always told that if you can read it, you can write it. That's true, and so, I began writng.

I remember one Christmas when I was about seven or eight, my Mother had gotten me a Barbie typewriter for Christmas. (It may not have been Barbie, I just remember it being bright pink.) I would write stories of Kings. My Mum used to giggle because I was spelling Kingdom as 'kinkdom.' My poor, innocent little mind didn't know what I was doing. 

High School was a difficult time for me. My only release was my English lesson. I loved that lesson so much. The Teacher was one of the best I've had, and all my friends were in the class, too. We all enjoyed it when we had that class. Writing - for me at least - was my escape. It was a way to get away from the thoughts that clouded my mind at that time. I wrote a lot during that period. Though I can't say that I love Macbeth that much anymore. We studied that for about three years.

One day, one of my friends recommended this app called Wattpad. She was looking for free books to read on her phone and came across Wattpad on her App Store on the Black Berry. It seems so long ago now. I remember during our lunch time we would go up into this class room everyday and hook up the projector to Wattpad, read stories and recommend writers that we liked to one another. 

I was one of the first to actually write on Wattpad. I was curious to see what would happen if I uploaded one of my stories on to here. My first story was a fan fiction about Damon Salvatore from The Vampire Diaries. Who would have guessed that it was fan fiction? God, it's cringey looking back on it. If you want to go read it and take the piss about my less than average writing skills, then it's still up in my works. Have fun laughing at me.

Thanks to Wattpad, I've found my dream to become a published author. 

Anyway, after I uploaded quite a few chapters, it began receiving reads and comments, and people were voting for it, too. It gave my such a nice feeling to know that people enjoyed what I had written, that they were reading something of mine and they actually liked it. It was such a weird sensation, and I loved it.  

I haven't really stopped since. The feeling you guys give me when I read your comments make my day. You've done so much for me over the time I have spend writing things for you, and I couldn't be happier with the amount of support you give me. Thank you so much, guys.I've met and talked to so many nice people on here, too. People who like my work, or people who write things I enjoy, too. Wattpad is such a nice place. I know that to you, you're just reading something you enjoy, but for me it's so much more. I can't thank you enough. You are such lovely people.

I wouldn't be the person I am today with out each and every one of you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2014 ⏰

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