Chapter 15. Legacy

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Temari couldn't stop smiling, as Tsunade handed her a black and white print out. Her first ultrasound where she could see her baby, a beautiful baby boy.

They hadn't told many people about the pregnancy yet, only Shikamaru, Temari, Yoshino, Tsunade and the Hokage knew. They would tell everyone else when they were ready.

Temari would never forget Shikamaru's reaction when she told him the news...

~ 2 months earlier ~

Temari couldn't keep her eyes off the pregnancy test she held in her hand. The little plus sign seemed to be the only thing in the room. She felt joy build up inside her as it all sunk in, she was going to be a mother.

. . .

Temari hadn't told Shikamaru she was pregnant yet, she was planning something special. It had been four days since she had found out and waiting was killing her, she just wanted to scream out 'I'm pregnant!'. But Temari also really wanted her husband to find out in a more romantic way.

. . .

Temari woke up, Shikamaru's arm was draped over her waist holding her tight. She was about to close her eyes again when she felt a wave of nausea. She scrambled out of bed, waking Shikamaru up, and ran to the bathroom.

The Nara patriarch followed her in alarm to find her throwing up. Concern filled his body as he held her hair back, "are you sick?"


Shikamaru blinked, "did you eat something bad?"


"Then what's wrong?"


Temari's tone was dismissive, she drank some water and then left for the kitchen.

Yoshino was already there making breakfast, she smiled at Temari as she entered and shot a confused glance at Shikamaru who followed with concern etched onto his face. Why was he concerned? Did they have a fight? She hadn't heard any arguing.

The family sat down at the table as Yoshino served the bacon, eggs and roasted chestnuts she had cooked. Temari devoured the bacon and eggs before staring almost hatefully at the chestnuts. Shikamaru and Yoshino exchanged a bewildered glance, Temari loved roasted chestnuts, they were one of her favourite foods. Yoshino was about to question the girl but her son beat her to it,

"Temari are you sure you're okay?"

The Nara matriarch looked over to her husband and mother-in-law, "yes, I'm fine."

"But you normally love chestnuts!"

Temari started to tear up, her lip quivered, "I-I'm sorry..."

Shikamaru's eyes flashed with worry as he hugged his crying wife, what was wrong with her? Temari almost never cried and when she did it wasn't over something as trivial as roasted chestnuts.

"Oh!" Yoshino beamed, her mouth lifted into a smile and her eyes were filled with knowing. She glanced amused at her confused son as he tried to comfort Temari with no avail.

"Mom, is there something you know that I don't?"

"Hm, yes there is."

"Well?" Shikamaru shot her a questioning glance.

"That is not for me to tell you."

He frowned in annoyance, what could it be?

. . .
Shikamaru once again helping Kakashi complete paperwork, the man probably wouldn't survive without Shikamaru. As always the silver haired man was also trying to avoid doing the work. Sometimes Shikamaru wondered if his hokage wasn't lazier than him.

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