suggestion • dropbox

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Dear Readers,

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Dear Readers,

I'm so glad you've been with us – me, Harper & Alec – 'till the end! *makes kissy noises*

Well, don't worry though. It's not the end! Allow me to introduce: The Suggestion Dropbox!! Yes, you heard me right, fellas. But don't worry, it's not as lame as it sounds!!

Okay, let's scratch the preppy voice from here on out and talk business. You want more Alec and Harper romance, and I want some of those golden stars for the work I put in :P 

So, here's what we're gonna do: I'm gonna take suggestions for short stories from you, in order to give you what you want.  It can be anything you want to see Alec and Harper do, for example, fight, spend time in a forest alone, be in a play, etc. etc. 

Just fill the following form and submit HERE on this line!

1. Your username
2. The basic plot of your idea/situation (2-3 lines)
3. A dialogue/phrase/literally anything that you want in the story
4. Something you've liked about OUR CHEMISTRY till now <3

That's it! And your story will be out asap! With the dedication given to you!

Isn't that great?!

Omg, I can't wait to receive your suggestions!!!

Love, Rain xx

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