Your Name is ...

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- You arrived - said echoing voice, with each word it kept changing, from male to female, from old to young - My betrothed
The pain stopped, I quickly got up and looked around. My sight couldn't see anything in the vicinity, there was only pitch black all around.
- Hello? Is anyone here? - My voice shaking.
- I am here - said ever changing voice
- Who...what are you? - I asked while moving back, the surface below me was hard and flat.
- I am thy unnamed soul, the part denied of you, deep pushed to never see the light of day... - said voice while changing between childish tones.
- What are you talking about? - My legs stopped
"There is no benefit of moving around if I can't see anything..."
- Please can you let me out? - I said begging
- Thy only sets itself into freedom - said voice - I missed thee...
- I don't think we met... you are my soul? Where am I? - I spoke more confidently
- In thy heart, the deepest corner, here soul roots lay
-Why am I here - My fist clenched
Then something touched my shoulder. I looked back and hit the air where I though the creature was. Unfortunately or fortunately, only thing I hit was air.
"The fuck is it?"
- It's easy so for thee... name having, sun bathing spirit... - said voice with hatred
I felt touch again on my back. My legs jumped back from the place I though I could feel the touch. Eyes and ears kept trying to look for monster but lack of light and echo around me made this attempt futile.
- While I wait to be accepted thee fear me... thee hate me - spoke out voice with pain and sorrow in it
I opened my mouth in attempt to scream at the thing but hearing change of tone I bit my lip to the blood. Straightened up I moved down and sat on cold black surface.
- I'm sorry... - I said while my heart kept hitting like a hammer in my chest. - it's just... a scary place...
- This place broken... light has left me here already... everything left... only me is here...
- It must be lonely... - I said while looking down
- Very... - said voice, it was closer then before. I heard it just in front of me.
We stayed silent, trying to see each other's shapes. Sitting in front of each other like long separated lovers, with lots of questions yet no idea how to put them into words.
- You said you're nameless... - I spoke out first
A chill went down my spine as I felt a gaze upon me, it was chilling my body to the bone, rendering me unable to move.
- Please don't fear me... I'm thy friend and companion...
Silence continued until voice spoke out again.
- Can you gift me? - said voice, a bit of hope could be heard as it changed from female to male voice.
My expression changed into surprised then troubled, I was in god knows where with something that kept saying it was my soul. I looked into place there supposedly was my talk companion and kept silent before awkwardly speaking out.
- I mean... if you mean give you a present... I don't have much, since you are me then... sure, just say what you need and I'll try my best...
- Please accept me... free me from shackles of our heart... - said voice almost happily, it sounded like a child that was about to get a present.
- O-okay but... how do I.. - I tried to speak out but voice cut into my sentence.
- Name me, and I shall with thy walk and listen, be thy companion and lover, for two of us one shall become... and I will come upon thy word... please, give me this one word describing myself... - there was an awkwardness and happiness in its changing tone.
I couldn't speak out a word. My thoughts kept racing, looking for possible dangers.
"Name it? What if it's a demon, I just met a fucking undead and here I am with a weird voice that I can't see... but if even a part of what it says is true I can't leave it here... maybe if I name it, it will help me to fight with that monster outside... what name should I give it?"
Thinking I placed my hand on chin, focusing on making a name for something that would be with me forever. All names started to race through my mind as I looked into a void. And then I spoken.
- I name you Rei then... it means dark or black and a ghost... I don't even know how I came up with it... - My hand to back of my head scratching it.
Then something started to happen. The ground around us started shaking as voice kept saying and thanking me again and again, changing. I could hear bones cracking but it wasn't mine. It was a creature before me.
- Grateful me.... oh grateful me... - kept repeating voice, now it stopped changing, it sounded like a female young voice, the pain could be heard in those words but also something that came beyond my understanding.
In those words I could hear every sadness the being ever went through, the loneliness, the pain. Quickly all my fear came away as I moved to the shifting body and hugged it, embracing my dark soul.
- It's okay... you won't ever be alone anymore... - I said trying to soothe female voice.
Her skin shifted under mine, I could feel the soft skin and bones shifting under my touch. Even after her shift ended we stayed hugged into each other, with water coming down from her eyes onto my naked neck.
- Thank thee... I am thy servant... - said Rei few inches from my lips.
- And I'm yours - I said in return as my vision came back to me.
I was on my knees, alone. Around me graveyard. Before me, dead giant.
- Back... to Grave... - it said
Inside my mind, another person moved. It's presence was dark and soothing. Giant stood up picking up his hammer and listening to any sound that would give up my location.
"Master... We can't defeat him... we need to fall back..."
"Rei, trust me"
We stayed silent for few seconds before I started to move forward, slowly taking a step after step. The stench of a decomposing corpse kept getting stronger and stronger with each meter less between us.
"Then I shall follow..."
She said in my mind, a darkness from within started to move out of its hiding. I could feel it coming out of my heart, slowly taking over my limbs and moving to my brain. But it wasn't painful. It was a soothing sensation, letting me focus. My upper right side of face covered partially by a porcelain mask, shard taken color of pure white. Eye surrounded by white glass started to grow darker and darker, as if consumed by black tendrils. Other eye kept green color. My feet kept breaking the distance between us, leaving us just few meters from each other. Space all around us was covered in gravestones. Cold air touched my skin as fog became thicker, as if it tried to split me and creature apart. Now I was sure, all around us...
There was no witnesses, just me, monster, and the darkness within.

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