Chapter Twelve

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Caleb Pierson's POV:

"It sucks that Annabeth couldn't get dinner with us before the dance." Andrew said, grabbing his jacket off of the back of his chair and holding out his hand to Emma, helping her out of her seat.

"Yeah," Emma replied, brushing off the bottom of her dress, "she and Percy had stuff they had to do beforehand."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that as I pushed in my chair.  "Oh, yeah, what kind of stuff?"

Emma froze for a second before shrugging.  "I don't know, just stuff."  Why does she always seem like she's hiding something about those two?  I wonder if she knows something we don't...

I sighed, waving goodbye to our waiter as we walked out the door, heading for Andrew's car.  He was driving the three of us to the dance, and Annabeth and Percy were going to meet us there.  Normally I'd be mad that she's going with him, but I'm just excited to see Annabeth dressed up.  She's already gorgeous, but with makeup and a dress? It'll be like a sneak peek at our future wedding.


Andrew parked the car, walking around to the other side and opening the door for Emma. She thanked him, grabbing his hand and heading off toward the front doors. I followed them both, but I trailed a little behind. I didn't want to look like a third wheel, especially when my supposed-to-be date is arriving with someone else.

Alright, clearly asking Annabeth to come as my date was a bit too forward. I think I can take it a little slower. My goal for tonight is just going to be to dance with her. That shouldn't be too hard, right? Now only if I could actually find her. Where is she?

I pulled out my phone, shooting Annabeth a quick text and drumming my fingers on the back of my phone. The screen lit up, and I glanced back down at it.

Annabeth: Hey, we're heading inside now! Just checking in our tickets.

I took a deep breath, smiling at my phone before sliding it back into the pocket of my jacket and staring at the door, waiting.

You know those scenes in the movies when the main characters walks into a room and everyone stops and stares? Yeah, that basically happened. Annabeth stepped into the room, wearing a beautiful long grey dress with parts of her hair pinned back. She was stunning. Percy was there next to her, but whatever. I was way too focused on how great Annabeth looked to even care about him right now.

Annabeth and Percy joined the three of us at the table. I missed most of the conversation though, because I kept running through my plan in my head. Should I ask during a fun song, or will she just see that as me being friendly? Should I ask for a slow song, or is that too serious?

I'm knocked out of my thoughts by a blunt kick to my shin from Andrew. A slow song has started playing, and he gestures his head in Annabeth's direction. Well, I guess he's deciding for me, then. I take a deep breath, shaking out my hands before turning to Annabeth.

"Annabeth, do you want to dance with me?" I asked bluntly, holding my breath. Percy almost spits out the punch he's drinking before laughing. "What?" I ask. "What's so funny?"

Percy smirks at Annabeth. "Wise Girl can't dance."

Annabeth rolls her eyes, smacking him in the chest with the back of her hand. "Oh, please, neither can you." She looked back at me and gave me a sympathetic smile. "Sorry, I just don't really like dancing."

I feel a tug at my heart, but I'm not going to embarrass myself. I've played it off once before, I can do it again. "It's fine." I shrug. "The song's almost over anyway. I'll just go over to Andrew and Em." And with that, I spun around on my heel and walked over to the couple, just as the song was ending. I grabbed Andrew's sleeve, looking between him and Emma. "Hallway?"

He nodded, grabbing Emma's hand and following me outside. As soon as we stepped away from the crowds of people, I groaned and knocked my forehead into the wall.

"Dude, what happened?" Andrew asked, laughing at my pain.

"I can't get Annabeth alone for two seconds! She's practically glued to that jerk!"  I ranted.

"Well have you asked her to dance yet?"  Andrew asked, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Yeah, and she said she doesn't like to dance.  Then it became this whole inside joke with Percy.  Everything's about him!"

Emma stepped away from us, pointing to the door.  "I'm just...going to go get some punch."  She said, slipping through the door.  Did I say something wrong?

I shook it off, focusing more on the problem at hand.  "Seriously, how am I ever going to get her to like me if she won't even dance with me?"

"I don't know," Andrew said sarcastically, "maybe tell her you like her?"

I shake my head rapidly.  "No way, I can't just tell her out of the blue like that!"

"Why not?"  Andrew asked flatly.  He clearly didn't understand how hard this was.  EVERYONE knew that he and Emma were crushing on each other when he asked her out.  My crush about Annabeth is totally a secret, so I don't have that safety net that he did. 

"What if she says no?  I'll be miserable forever!"

"You'll also be miserable forever if you never confess to her."  Andrew pointed out.  I hate it when he's right.

"I just don't know if I'm ready for that yet..."  I trail off.

Andrew pats my shoulder, giving me a reassuring smile.  "Just think on it, dude.  You'll do the right thing.  I'm going to go find Em and see what's up with her.  Good luck."

I sighed as he headed back to the dance.  I rested my back against the wall, staring off into space.  Am I really ready to tell Annabeth how I feel about her?  It feels so sudden, but Andrew's right.  I don't know, but he definitely has a point.  I'll regret it forever if I don't say something to her.  But how am I supposed to know when it's the right time?  This is so confusing...

Hey guys!  Hope you enjoyed this chapter.  Someone asked in the comments if Percy and Annabeth were going to be revealed as demigods.  Is that something you guys would want to see, or do you want it to stay a secret?  Let me know! I know some people really love that part, and others don't, so I'm going to leave it up to the majority vote. Make sure to leave a comment if you have an opinion on it! :)


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