Reasons and Seasons

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  • Dedicated to Yashi Ysolt Bhutia

Self realisation, like prophets, is a very rare occurence these days.

When the rain drops started tapping against the window panes, humming its own tune and carried away the reigning dust, melancholy set in Nom's heart. There were many reasons for her mood to reflect the weather outside. First being the weather itself. Nom felt Nature was mocking her. The second reason was the circumstances which made her think she was being mocked at. Then comes her mearge perfomance in school but I shall not bore you with it. The first two reason does enough justice for her to be in this current state.

Before I resume my narration the following facts should be kept in mind.

a) The protagnist's name is not Nom. It was the first word that came in my mind before I decided to immortalise her story. For various reason (my physical safety, to be honest) I have shrouded all characters in a veil of pseudonym.

b) I am watching her as I type away.

c) I am not a stalker.

d) I had to knock her guardian angel unconcious since that paunchy, toad-spotted lewdster would not leave me alone. I wish the adjective I used would fit him but he is good to look at.

My name is Relacion. I've spent hours to come up with a great introductory line and inserting a Spanish substitute for relation is all I could manage.

As I read my cringe worthy introduction I have decided to recruit a PR manager. Much better, kidnap one. Dissecting personal matters is a bothersome thing for me but if I have to wear the robes of a hypocrite then so be it. My finances are drying up and with people taking me so casually, I've become like a condom. Use and throw. Not a great comparison but this is the closest I can do to make you understand. Make you understand my plight of no longer being a sacred thing I once was. Think about your failed relation, readers. Everytime a bond goes kaput my being loses its glow and I slowly fade. But the few "Romeo-Juliet"s of this world saves me.

With most of the relationships being a "wham-bam-thank you ma'am" kind, I think I will be a fabled thing. Skeptics, I can see you raise your eyebrows. Next time your "bae" leaves you, you'll know you were warned.

Let me talk about Nom. She is my current favourite person and this girl is in dire straits. This came to my notice when she chopped off her hair after her break up! If she was Della I would be a bit considerate and honestly,vagabond thoughts of giving her syph had crossed a few times but she revers me. Hence, I have decided to step in to improve both of our lives. Fixing my flawed existence is a Herculean task, I tell you.

The last person I was keeping an eye out had a habit of dropping his boxers at the sight of every female. He was not a stripper. His acts were proving to be a threat to my existence.

Oblivion, that selfish mongrel, was trying to end me. Seriously, his every actions has a masked intention. That dude has never invited me to tea when infact he and Remembrance have brunch every Sunday. Are they not supposed to be enemies? I mean who befriends one's competitor, for Thor's sake? Or may be it is my envy talking since I am quite a lone wolf.

Anyways, I called up Maladie and asked her to pull me a favour. The man got herpes few days later and that was the end of him and his boxers dropping episode.

Heavens continued to unleash its floodgate.I moved from the beanbag to the bay window.The raindrops caressed every object that lay in its path. Sleep invaded my eyes as the monotonous pitter-patter outside continued.

Nom picked up her cell phone and started typing. I heaved a sigh of frustration. She was texting her ex. I'll call him as Stu. It is short for stupid.

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