I Can See Through His Facade Part:8

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***Hey guys! I know I haven't updated in a few days, I'm sorry): Forgive me? Cool cause I'm about to spend hours on writing this stupid chapter to make it perfect(: See I knew you'd forgive me! :D Hahha, so comment, vote, like, twitter, you know you wanna;) Haha♥***




The weekend past really quickly, Saturday I spent with everyone, Sunday I caught up on some homework, and now it's Monday. I walked into the building wondering how many people knew I had a break-down. I walked slowly to the ag building and hesitated.

"You going to stand out here forever?" I jumped and turned to see a cute guy smiling down at me.

"Umm, Uhh... I... I'm going." I stuttered, I mentally face-palmed myself and walked in, sitting next to Brandon who was scowling at the new guy who followed me and sat next to me. I laughed inside, someone was jealous.

"Hey you excited to see Avery?" Brandon asked giving me a big smile.

"Yeah, I missed her." my heart warmed, I get to see my little lamb.

After Mr. Wilson came in and took roll, we all left to our lambs, I smiled and immediately wrapped my arms Avery.

"Avery! Oh I missed you baby girl!" I squealed, she rubbed her head against me, I smiled.

"Velanie, Brandon, do you mind if Dillon works with y'all until the end of the semester, we don't have any single groups." Mr. Wilson asked smiling.

"Sure, come on, Dillon, Avery, Avery, Dillon." I smiled introducing the two, Avery backed up and went to Brandon's side, I huffed a sigh.

"I'm more interested in your name." Dillon said smiling.

"Her names Velanie, if you didn't catch it when Mr. Wilson said it." Brandon glared at him, I smacked him playfully.

"Be nice. And yeah, I'm Velanie." I said shaking his hand and smiling back.

"Dillon." he kissed my hand and I giggled.

"Well Dillon, I guess you can help Brandon clean out Avery's pen while I feed and exercise her." I smiled and walked away with Avery.

**Brandon's P.O.V**

"So Dillon, you think Velanie's cute?" I asked while sweeping out the pen.

"She's really cute. I'm not going to lie." he said standing against the wall.

"You going to help? And I'm not going to lie to you then, I love her, so if you do anything to her, I'll kill you." I threatened and threw a pitchfork at him, "Get to work."

"You sure are straight to the point aren't you?" he said laughing, I glared and almost threw poop at him.

"You sure are annoying aren't you?" I know it was immature but I had too.

"So if your in love with Velanie, why aren't you with her?" he asked smirking.

"I screwed up, but I'm going to get her back." I smirked back at him.

"How do you know she'll take you?" he asked.

"She said she would, but I have to prove I love her." I smiled, I had so many great ideas.

"How do you plan to do that?" he asked throwing hay into the pen.

"I have a lot of ideas." I smiled tossing some hay on his head.

"What the hell?!" he yelled throwing some back at me.

"Oh relax, it's just hay." I said wiping off the strands that stayed.

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