11- didn't you calm my fears with a chesire cat smile

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Taylor was right about the snowstorm being over by the next day. Though it still looked dreadful outside, it was still manageable enough to leave. Taylor grabbed her bookbag, the only luggage she had during her stay at the motel, and started to walk down to where Harry's car was. Harry was already waiting inside , ready to start the engine. She tugged the front door open and sat beside him, watching the wipers steer away the fallen snow from the windshield in silence. 

There was something desolate about her current mood. She didn't think she was ready to depart from her motel adventure with Harry. Though it had its excruciatingly painfully awkward moments, there were also some fun moments she and him shared. They bonded well and Taylor found the entire 36 hours quite entertaining. But here they were, in the car, about to leave the site. A part of her was disappointed that the snowstorm had ceased so soon. She kind of missed going to his suite and watching several movies with him on Netflix, and she missed the endless playful conversations she had with him over dinner in her suite.

"Did you bring your bag? Don't want us to come back and retrieve it just to be stuck under another snowstorm again, do we now?" His teasing broke her out of her state of ponder as she looked away from the windshield, rolling her eyes at him before flashing the bag at him. 

"Gotcha," He smiled, both dimples as visible as ever,  bringing his hands on the steering wheel. In a few moments, they were driving away from the motel. "You know, I'm kinda bummed that our little getaway adventure ended so quick," Harry began.

"I could say the same," Taylor agreed. Harry turned to see her, showing a look of surprise.

"I didn't expect you to admit it, but I'm glad we're on the same page, Swift."  Taylor looked down at her lap, prying with her fingers as she hid a small smile.

"Our getaway adventure doesn't have to be over just yet, you know?" Taylor looked back up in both amusement and curiosity. She was met with his smug grin.

"Oh, would you stop calling it that?" Taylor sighed, leaning her head back against the seat.

"What, getaway adventure? I think it's a suitable name," he expressed, "anyways, what do you say about walking around Central Park? Like old times?" 

Taylor started to laugh. "You really do come up with the dumbest ideas," she answered back.

"Hey, you liked my idea of dancing at the motel." 

"Barely," She muttered, but he heard her alright.

"So, what do you say?" 

"Oh, you're being serious?" Taylor asked, making Harry nod furiously.

"There was a crazy snowstorm yesterday, I doubt any crazy person would be hanging around Central Park right now." He reasoned, and Taylor was horrified to see him deep in thought as he kept on justifying his proposal. He really was being serious.

"But you want us to go to Central Park right now, so are we crazy too?" 

Harry gave a sheepish smile. "Well, we can be the exception." 

She still was very unconvinced, but playing along with his reasoning was fun. "We might still be photographed." Now it was time for him to hear her reasons, which were very concerning compared to his.

"Let them photograph us. Why does it matter? We're just hanging out as friends, are two opposite sexes not allowed to hang out as friends?" Taylor looked out the window as he continued to talk. He had no idea of the hell she had to go through on the daily because she wanted to hang out with her friends of the opposite sex. She couldn't even do that without hearing the blink of a camera flashing every five seconds. And within hours, those pictures would create headlines all over the news, and she would never get the end of the slut shaming by the media. Even when they dated and were the main headlines, she had always been the one who was bullied the most. It had been her reputation that continued to deteriorate, never his. He had no idea.  

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