part i.

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They dated for only seven months.

Time was measured by neither hours nor days but, instead, moments of laughter and a youthful love that felt as though it transcended time itself. Brief, quiet kisses on the college campus preluded their nights entangled with one another.

It had taken Chanyeol two weeks to come down from his composed cloud to gather up the courage to approach the petit and lively brunet who often sat close to him in one of their shared classes. The execution was hardly perfect. Some might've thought it was poor. The words stumbled out of his mouth, messy and unrehearsed... Yet, it only took Baekhyun a single moment with no fear or hesitation to say yes.

Learning about one another came easily, and within a month, it felt as though they had known each other in another life.

Baekhyun dreamed of becoming a writer, pursuing a major in English and Journalism. However, he had no desire to work for a publishing house or magazine. His true passion came with writing novels; stories of his own independent ideas.

On the other hand, Chanyeol's interest lied in business and marketing.

Those around them had thought the two were an unlikely pair. Contrary to Chanyeol's quiet and seemingly blunt personality, Baekhyun was open about his thoughts and constantly smiling.

Their differences went beyond majors and personalities.

For instance, Baekhyun liked his coffee with milk and sugar. Chanyeol, on the other hand, preferred his coffee black.

Within his realm of fiction, Baekhyun boastfully adored writing fantasy tales about protagonists overcoming impossible situations. In short, he was an optimist, unlike Chanyeol, who preferred practicality and realism over fantasy.

Others believed them to be imperfect for one another; that their differences would eventually lead to an end to the brief romance, but they were wrong.

After seven months, Chanyeol found himself on one knee, proposing with stumbling words that—this time— had been well-rehearsed for days.

But just as before, Baekhyun said yes. 


tbc 5/15/2020

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