Doom Room For An Ever

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Ava was standing in the doorway, gaping at Tedros and Agatha. Tedros gasped and leapt up, furious.

"You! What are you doing here?" He roared, flushing. Ava continued to stare.

"I came back. My parents begged Professor Dovey. You're supposed to be with Sophie! Not with this witch! Yeah, I don't like you anymore. I saw Sophie running to the bathroom crying. She told me what happened. I don't believe you, Tedros of Camelot. What a great king you would make!" Ava snapped.

"But you were failed!" Agatha cried, standing up. 

"I wasn't completely failed. If I was failed completely, I would've been turned into an animal! Don't talk, witch. You and Tedros deserve to be failed right at this minute." Ava curtly shot at her. Agatha felt anger boiling up herself. Her finger started glowing. She shot a spell at Ava, slashing her cheek and causing it to start bleeding rapidly.  Ava gasped at the pain and staggered back. She dropped onto the floor, unconscious. Tedros and Agatha gulped, guiltily. They knew they would be in trouble if they were found out. They were just going for the door and were stepping over the body when Hester, Anadil and Dot appeared, angrily.

"No you are not!" Hester snapped. Her demon twitching on her neck.

"You just did something you can be failed for!" Anadil snarled. For the first time, Dot looked furious at Agatha.

"Seems like you don't have any good in you, Agatha." Dot glared and turned a nearby pencil into chocolate and snaffled it up. Tedros and Agatha both flinched. They recoiled as Hester's demon started exiting its spot on Hester's neck. Tedros pulled out his sword and poked the demon. Hester cried out with pain as the demon staggered and fell back into Hester's neck. 

"Huh." Tedros muttered.

"The. Demon. Is me." Hester panted. Agatha leapt in front of her prince.

"Hey now! Stop it, Hester, Anadil and Dot. This is getting out of hand." Agatha growled and grabbed Tedros's hand. The coven stared at the couple in front of them. They looked at each other and all menacingly hissed.

"We're going to let this go this once. But Agatha, we will never forgive you. You are not welcome to our dorm anymore." Anadil snarled and the coven stomped off, back to the diner hall. Agatha and Tedros gazed at each other and sprinted out of the room, leaving Ava's body behind. As they sat back down at their diner table, they heard a high pitched scream coming from the direction of the room they were just in. Everyone in the diner hall jumped. Sophie, Beatrix, Reena and Millicent sprinted into the hall panting.

"Ava's body! She's bleeding! Someone attacked her!" Beatrix cried. All the Nevers ans Evers started murmuring and gasping.

"We know who did it!" A voice called out. Everyone went silent and turned to the voice's direction. The coven were standing up from their spots. 

"It was them!" Hester sneered and pointed at Tedros and Agatha. 

"It  just had to be them." Kiko squealed.

"Oi, Tedros! Eat this!" Nicholas threw a rotten tomato he had conjured with his finger glow at Tedros. The tomato landed with a splat on Tedros's nose. 

"Bingo!" Chaddick roared and everyone in the hall shrieked with laughter. Tedros motioned to Agatha to head out to the garden. Both couple stood and went to the exit. 

"Agatha, Tedros." Lady Lesso entered the hall. Both Tedros and Agatha froze. Shivering with fear, they wheeled around to face the strict dean of evil. 

"Y-yes Lady Lesso?" Agatha stammered.

"Come with me. Now." The dean stalked out of the hall. Agatha and Tedros followed, feeling everyone's gaze on them. 

The School For Good and Evil(Switched)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz