Get Away

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"Hi, Do you have anything in mind to give you?" as I called my friends on the phone.

"Ha?! Where are you?" they asked.

"I am at the airport. I need to meet some 'possible' investors." I explained.

"Oh! Why didn't you tell us?" they screamed.

"It is okay." as I bit my finger nail.

"So have anything in mind?" I replied.

"Anything" They said

Then they bid good bye and said. "Keep safe okay?"


I arrived at one of the huge hotels in the country and this is the first time I feel strange that I am lonely but at peace at the same time.

As I enter my room I sighed heavily and said to myself.

"So I guess it is the time for me to forget all those confusions."

And motivate myself with. "I need to rest. Tomorrow is the day." as I lay on the big couch.


The following day I prepared myself and chose the perfect dress to meet those investors.

I was picked up and arrived in one of the biggest building in the city.

"Good Morning, Ms. Park this way please." welcomed by one of the secretaries.

As she opens the room I noticed a familiar face who is subtly as shocked as me.

The secretary guide me from my seats and luckily I am seated beside him.


I lean slightly and whisper. "I don't know you are also invited." I said it happily because atleast this moment won't be as bad as I think.

"Me too. But it is good to see you." his grin as he slants on my side.

The meeting ends fine but we are invited tomorrow again by an investor for lunch.


"Do you want to eat?" He asked.

"Hmm. Do you have in mind?" my challenge.

"How about roam around first then let's decide after."

"Jk?" as I wonder though he has a point.

So we go around and there are plenty of restaurants that has a promising food.

"Why don't we try that one?" as he points out an unnoticeable restaurant.

In which I agreed and sat inside it.

The ambiance is very peaceful and soothing.

"Have you been here before?" I asked.

But Jungkook just smiled at me again and didn't say a word.

As we place our order the waiter gladly came to us.

I noticed he acts as if he knew who Jk is so I guess and said.

"I knew it. You used to come here Jk."

So he laughed at me and said yes.

"Sorry I don't mean to deceive you but I think that you are overwhelmed by what you see and since I used to eat here why not recommend it to you." he explained.

"Enjoy your meal." The waiter smiled while placing the food on the table.

Then he said. "Congratulations. Indeed, you are correct. Your girlfriend is beautiful." that leads my mouth open.


GD - Untitled

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