Chapter 63 [3]

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Charlie's PoV:

"We've just been informed that a string of demonic attacks has taken place at Institutes worldwide with massive casualties, both mundane and Shadowhunter. Whoever or whatever is carrying out these attacks is not stopping. And there are several Institutes currently unaccounted for." Alec said, addressing the entirety of the new york institute. When alec called me, I knew the attacks weren't random and that this was the work of Jonathan but without proof, alec didn't agree.

"What about Los Angeles? Have you heard from them?" Izzy asked worried about her father and max.

"Nothing yet," Alec responded.

"I'm going there right now. Clary, can you make me a portal?" Clary shot me a worried look, while I tried to keep composed, luckily a transmission coming in distracting everyone.

"Hello? Can you hear me? " Robert and Max appeared on screen, visibly shaken.

"Dad, yes. What happened?" Alec asked as everyone cleared a path, trying to get a look at the screen.

"Jonathan Morgenstern attacked the LA Institute a few minutes ago."

"I had a feeling it was him." I scoffed, causing alec and a few other people to look at me.

"How many casualties?" He continued.

" He killed everyone except for me and Max," Robbert said pulling max closer into his side.

" By the Angel," Izzy muttered, I looked to Alec who held a similar relieved look that their family was spared.

"He only spared us because he wanted us to take his message directly to Charlie and Clary. He's taking down every Institute in the world, and he's saving New York for last."

" Why?" Jace asked.

"Because he wants Charlie and Clary to watch the world die, knowing that it's all their fault." I turned around, pushing past shadowhunters as I made my way to the central console. I muttered under my breath as I pulled up, the attacks. I saw someone come and stand next to me, and by the hand that moved closer to mine, I could see it was alec but I chose to ignore him.

"Charlie" I sighed.

"I should've killed him" I heard alec sigh from beside me.

"Charlie, you, clary, none of us knew this would happen you can't blame yourself" I turned my gaze away from the reports on the screen to alec.

"I had the chance to kill him, but I didn't because I thought maybe he could be good. I was stupid." I started to turn back to the screen but alec grabbed my hands, stopping me from moving.

"We've all had an opportunity to do it. Don't blame yourself" I sighed as alec placed a small kiss on my forehead, but letting go of my hands. I turned back to the screen, sending a few reports over to alec. I looked up at him to see a small smile on his face.

"My mom loved the dress by the way" I shot him an amused look.

"I know it's not the time to be talking about wedding stuff when all this is going on but I can't help it" I smiled, turning to alec and quickly kissing him.

"You're cute," I said to which he scoffed.

"Okay, so what do we know?" Izzy asked walking up to the console with the others close behind.

"He's not showing any signs of slowing down. Denver and Chicago have already been hit. Hundreds of Shadowhunters and at least mundanes have already been killed." I said pushing the reports over, so everyone could see.

" The news is calling it a string of chemical weapons attacks. People are being told to stay indoors." Simon said giving me a small smile.

" Lorenzo and I have the warlock community at the ready. We're detecting a strong demonic presence in downtown Toronto." Magnus said.

"Same energy signature we've seen in the other attacks."

" He's heading to the Toronto Institute. I'll assemble a team." Jace said going to walk but alec's hand grabbing his wrist stopped him.

"Not yet. I'm not sending anybody on a suicide mission. This is not the same Jonathan as before. He's more powerful than ever." I looked over to clary, both of us knowing we had to do this.

" We can stop him. We will go, alone." I said, clary nodding while Jace and Alec shared a look.

"That's not gonna happen," Alec said giving me a look I knew all too well.

"He won't hesitate to kill any of you," Clary said, moving next to me.

"He won't kill us," I said.

" Can you be sure about that? " Jace asked, cutting alec off before he could speak.

"We know our brother," Clary said I nodded in agreement.

"And what if you're wrong? It's too much of a gamble." Alec said a worried look on his face.

"How many more people have to die? We are the only ones who can end this. Let us end it." I said.

"What happens if you get there and you can't take him out? - He's pretty much invincible now." Alec said, I knew he wanted to help but it could only be me and clary.

"Not against us."

"We'll be right behind you. We'll be there to back you up." I shook my head.

"You come anywhere near him and you're all dead. We're going, and we're going alone." Alec sighed in defeat.

"Then we'll watch you on the monitors. Anything happens, we're coming right in. " I nodded giving him a small smile.

"Uh, Magnus, I'm gonna need you to Portal us in. We've never been to Toronto." I asked and he nodded, but the look on his face questioned what I had just said.

"Of course, biscuit." I smiled at the pet name.

"Hey. Hey. Are you sure about this?" Alec said pulling me to the side.

"I'm sure." He looked down, his face scrunched into a frown.

"Charlie I just want you to be safe, I mean for god's sake you have our babies inside you, you are risking their lives and yours" I nodded at what he said, a sad smile making its way onto my face.

"I know, and I promise that after all this, I will be more careful but you and I both know that Clary and I are the only ones who can do this" he nodded grabbing my hand and lifting it up to his lips.

"Just stay safe," he said, the worry in his eyes clear as day.

"You'll be watching, I'll always be safe" he gave me a small smile and we leaned in, sharing a short kiss but it meant everything.

"I love you," I said as I walked over to Magnus and clary.

"I love you too Charlie," Alec said, I gave him one last smile before walking through the portal.

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