Cops and Robbers

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Sirens Sirens Sirens all you could hear was Sirens running up the street like a pack of wolves making their way to their prey

"Hey get down on the ground!" A police officer yelled with his gun out pointing at the young man in front of him with blood dripping down his hands

The young man turned around smiling softly

"He's not the perfect one any more" the young man chuckled and casted a look down to the ground

"Put your hands on the back of your head now!" The unsettled police officer yelled getting slightly closer to the young man

"I'm the perfect one now" The young man grinned

The police officer got closer and managed to put the guy in hand cuffs which was pretty easy due to the young man not resisting

"It's like cops and robber but I'm not the Robber or Cop" The young man looked at the police officer with a smirk and a dark look in his eye

*When the Twins where Ten*

"Hey Greg want to go outside and play cops and robbers with me and dad?" Mason barged into Greg's room excitement building up inside him

"Maybe" Greg sighed and focused back on his drawing of a bloody dear

"Okay well if you want come down and join" Mason sighed his excitement slowly dropping he turned around and closed the door running down the steps to his waiting dad

Greg looked up out his window to his dad and twin brother having fun and laughing as they chase each other around in the back yard they have been out there for a hour or so

Mason was always the more sporty one and the better looking one he got all the good genes you would think that Greg would look the same due to them being twins nope he doesn't

Sure they look a like it's just Greg has acne Mason doesn't Greg has glasses Mason doesn't Mason has prefect teeth Greg doesn't and Greg is a twig next to Mason. Yeah their ten which is normal to look bad but not when at school people make fun of you and your brother has to stick up for you every day which risks his own popularity.

Greg got up and walked down the steps and into the kitchen making his way to the back door.

"Hey dad can I join!" Greg yelled out his father turned around from his position which was him bending down trying to get air he looked surprised his surprise soon turned into a look of guilt

"I can't sorry champ my backs starting to cramp and I can't have that" The Twins father started walking towards the back door to Greg

"Sorry Champ" The Twins father ruffled Gregs hair once again saying sorry before walking inside to kiss his wife

Mason grinned as he caught his breath walking into the house to get a cup of water Greg sighed frustrated that he couldn't play he ran back into the house and stomped up towards his room

"Greg stop stomping!" Greg heard his mothers voice yell out Greg stopped and flopped on his bed face first crying because Mason always got to spend time with their father

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2020 ⏰

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