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I wake up in the middle of the night uncomfortable and in a daze. That's when I realize I'm still on the couch and wrapped up in Jace's strong arms. I can't believe I allowed myself to fall asleep on him. Well damn...

My heart about jumps out of my chest and I have to admit, that I slightly panic as I gently wiggle my way out of his grip, attempting to get away without waking him. I'm almost in the clear when suddenly Jace grips me tighter and bends in pressing his lips against my neck. His lips are soft and gentle causing my breath to catch in my throat.

I quickly catch my breath and stumble off the couch, landing on the soft carpet. "Shit," I whisper, looking up to make sure I didn't wake him. He's still sleeping like a baby, so I scramble to get back to my feet as quickly and quietly as possible.

I have never slept next to a man before and I don't want Jace to know that I've let my guard down with him. I have to learn to be more careful with Jace. Today was a test for me and I failed.

I can't seem to think straight around him. He just has something about him that makes opening up feel right. All that will do is hurt us both in the end.

I very carefully make my way down the hallway and to my bedroom, closing myself inside. I stare tiredly down at my lonely bed before throwing myself down and pressing my hands to my head.

I quickly pull the blanket back, crawling underneath the comfortable fleece. It has always been my safety zone and at the moment I need safety from myself.

Resting my head against the headboard, I close my eyes and try to clear my head.

A few moments later, I hear footsteps creeping down the hall and then the sound of Jace's door as he softly shuts it behind him.

I listen for any more sounds from him, but nothing.

I toss and turn for what feels like hours before giving up on sleep. It's got to be close to morning anyway, so instead, I sit up, arms stretched, as I look around my new room. Everything from the glass table, black trunk, and pictures on the wall are an unfamiliar feeling that make me wish that I have my own home.

About an hour later, I hop out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. The door is wide open so without a second thought I step inside, flipping on the light behind me.

"Oh shit!" I scream by surprise at the sight in front of me.

Jace is standing there in only a small towel, while brushing his teeth. He peers over his taut shoulder and grins with his toothbrush hanging from his mouth.

He looks just as cool and calm as ever. "Morning."

I feel my eyes wander down to his low hanging towel that is so low on his waist that even I feel embarrassed. I throw my hands over my eyes and force myself not to peek. "I'm sorry," I stammer. "I didn't know you were in here." I turn back to the door and start walking away in humiliation.

I hear him drop his toothbrush down, before spitting in the sink. "It's fine." He walks up next to me, pulling his towel up higher. "I'm done now. The bathroom is all yours." He walks out of the bathroom shutting the door behind him.

I stand here still trying to catch my damn breath. I really wish he would learn to wear clothes more often. I don't know how much more of his body I can handle.

I grunt to myself and hop in the shower.

After taking a quick shower and getting dressed, I step into the living room to see Jace throwing on a black leather jacket. He smiles sweetly upon noticing me watching him. "You look nice," he says. "Hey, I'm going to be gone for a few hours. I might bring some company by later so feel free to have anyone over that you please. You're always welcome."

Wake Up CallOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant