Chapter 3

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Surprisingly Bruce felt good enough later that day to visit the library. He trawled through the newspaper archives for any information on his victim.

The library was only about a fifteen minute walk away and the fresh air seem to help clear his mind but that was a bit of a worry for him. Normally when he felt at ease his hands would start to feel clammy, he would get lightheaded before the throbbing in his head would start followed by everything around him slowly going dark.

Luck must have been on his side today though as he safely made it to the library without any incidents. Bruce sat at the old outdated computer and started to work his way through the national newspapers, he had no idea if the victim was British or foreign but he had a strong suspicion she was local.

Problem was, he had already been through all the local and regional newspapers got the last ten years but to no avail do the only thing he could do was look further afield.

It was an hour into the session when he felt the hot prickling sensation start in the tips of his fingers and start to spread throughout his body. 'Oh shit, please not here!' He whimpered to himself but it was unstoppable.

As usual he was walking down the dark eerie street and crouched down behind a car but this time he looked up and spotted a street sign, it was shrouded in darkness but he could make out the name, he was in King Street.

He sighed instantly knowing that it was not an uncommon street name and would take forever to pinpoint an exact location on this alone. He could think of at least three streets in nearby towns with the same name.

He scanned the street for any other clues but as he was preoccupied, he missed the girl being shot and the vision started to fade again until be blinked and realised he was back in the library again.

With a new sense of purpose he quickly typed 'woman killed in King Street' but all the listings showing had nothing to do with his vision and none had a connection with King Street.

He stayed for another hour before he decided he'd had enough for one day. Next stop the local pub, it was a lot later than usual. Bruce was normally outside waiting impatiently for the pub to open but it was now after 3 o'clock.

As he sat there savouring his first of usually many pints, he felt a strange sensation as if he was being watched. He turned round quickly on his stool but the pub was still empty but he still felt on edge.

Bruce needed a cigarette so he stepped outside and cursed the no smoking legislation "Bruce" he spun round to see who had shouted him "Bruce" the voice came again, it was definitely a females voice but it sounded very familiar.

"Who's there?" He whispered hoping no one else heard him "You have to help her before its too late!" She spoke with fear obvious in her voice. This made Bruce cold to the core. He still couldn't see where the voice was coming from but it seemed to be all round him.

If this voice was real she was telling him that this is something that is going to happen in the future and not already in the past as he originally thought. He immediately wretched and spewed his guts up on the pavement.

He lost his need to drink any more and hurried home, he really needed to get a grip of himself. He had no idea why he had been chosen but right now everything was coming down to the fact that the life of a young girl could be in his hands and he didn't even know where to start.

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