Chapter 5

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The Next morning, Wang Li woke up with a stuffy nose and headache as well as a small fever. He Felt as if he was being constricted alive from being tucked in so tightly and roughly thrashed his limbs about. Once he could move freely in bed, Wang Li rolled onto his side to look at the room, there was one set of bunk beds and a small sink with a mirror above it as well as an armchair. The room was small but cosy, Wang Li had woken up a little startled since he didn't recognize where he was but now that he remembered what had happened yesterday, he got up to find Kong Da.

He tiredly stood up from the bed but his legs were in agony from all his squatting and sitting in the cold, The groggy boy lifted his arms up as he loudly groaned out while stretching, Kong Da's sweatshirt fell to sit a little passed his bum and the baggy sleeves slid down his skinny arms. After his loud stretch, he shook his legs a little and went to walk out of the room to look for Kong Da but a tired and raspy voice scared him before he reached the door.

"Get back in bed."

Wang Li turned around, once he noticed it was the man he was about to go searching for he calmed down and stood on the bottom bunk, Kong Da was lying on the small bed. He had one arm over his eyes so didn't notice Wang Li staring at him. Wang Li quietly got down and noticed Kong Da's feet were hanging off the edge of the bed, he had the sudden urge to tickle them. Wang Li stood on his tippy toes to see that Kong Da still had his arm over his eyes and walked to the end of the bed. He slowly reached out and lightly tickled the bottom of the large foot. Kong Da jerked his foot out before pulling his feet into the blankets. Wang Li giggled childishly and made his way back to the bed since his head was really hurting too much.

Kong Da got out of bed without using the ladder and simply stepped onto the edge of the bottom bunk, Wang Li had only seen Kong Da in shorts once and his view wasn't the greatest since they were both sitting. Thanks to the warmer weather, Kong Da was wearing a black pair of exercise shorts and a grey tank top, giving Wang Li a nice show of his toned arms and legs as well as the two sleeves he had on his arms. Both sleeves were made up of many tattoos in the black traditional style. Wang Li was too fixated on Kong Da's body and didn't notice that he was taking medicine from a plastic bag until the box was waved in his face impatiently.

"I'll bring you water and breakfast."

The now shy boy hummed dumbly as he watched Kong Da walk out of the room, when the room was left to himself, Wang Li reached down to his pants. He had a reaction from simply watching his crush walk around! Wang Li didn't want to risk rubbing one out in case he was caught by Kong Da and waited patiently in bed. Once Kong Da returned. he was handed a small bowl of congee and water before his phone was placed on the bed.

"I forgot I had this, it keeps ringing."

The time the two were together in the room didn't last long and Kong Da left the room again to eat his own breakfast. Wang Li quickly took his medicine and a few mouthfuls of congee before unlocking his phone. Most of the calls were from his soul mate Xu Chen but there were a couple from his Dad too. Wang Li quickly called in case there was an emergency but his Dad had only called him because his parents had another fight.

"I'll be back home after the weekend, Dad."

"Okay, have fun. Love you."

He could hear how sad his Dad was and felt a little guilty not returning home with Xu Chen. Wang Li didn't have time to think about his Dad before Xu Chen called him again.

"Why did you ignore my calls?"

"It's a long story ChenChen."

Wang Li's voice was nasally and congested from his cold and Xu Chen's anger subsided instantly.

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