Cassandra's Story

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I remember the first time I saw him. Straight across the hall. Laughing with people I have never seen. He seemed so happy then. With brown hair so messy you just want to run your fingers through it to neaten it up and sparkling brown eyes. I swear, it was love at first sight. Drifting towards him his details came into view. His teeth were a perfect movie star white. He had muscles but not massive ones. His body was lean. Reaching him was awkward. All of his friends stopped laughing and stared at me. Their smiles dropped. His didn't.

"Well, well, well, Who do we have here?" He smirked. My heart dropped.

"I'm Cassandra," I whispered, eyeing the still staring friends. He nodded.

"Matt," He said, pointing to himself, "I guess people call you Cassie?"

"Yeah, they do," I said.

"Well guys," Matt started, adressing his friends, "I must give little miss Cassandra over here a tour." All the guys smiles returned. They started to leave, only stopping to thump Matt on the back and give him a secret smile. When they had all disappeared from view Matt threw his arm around my shoulders and grinned at me. "Now we're alone."

"Not really...," I murmured, gesturing to the crowd of kids passing through the hall.                        

"Well," He said, leaning closer to me, "Shall we go somewhere a little more private?"

"What did you have in mind?" I asked, half teasing. He leaned even closer.

"How about..." He whispered for my ears only, "The cafeteria?" I snorted which caused him to laugh. "I like you Cassie."

There you go. That started our friendship. He became my best friend and I his. As years past I noticed a change. He no longer smiled. His eyes lost that special spark. I only thought about it once. It was our second summer holiday together and we were lying around on my front yard lawn. The sun had gone down and the stars had come out. I was blabbing on about the stars and what I could see in them. He stayed completely silent. I wouldn't of noticed if he didn't cover my hand with his. The sudden touch made me pause.

"Cass?" He murmured.

"Yeah?" I whispered back, turning to face him.


"For?" He didn't eleborate. I gave up on waiting for him to answer. "Well, whatever you thanked me for... You're welcome." I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He squeezed back. The rest of that night was quiet.

After that day I kept my distance. I thought I was the problem. Turns out I was so stupid I never asked. I made new friends and barely talked to him. He never bothered me. Until one day he showed up at my house. I was pretty sure he was drunk because of the way he banged on the door and almost face-planted when I opened the door.

"Cassie," He cried when he saw me.

"Matt," I said, stepping back as he stumbled through the door. He stepped up to me, leaning way too close for comfort. I stumbled back, smelling his beer breath. He backed me up into a wall. "Matt.." I whispered.

"Cass, I missed you," He muttered, leaning until his forehead grazed mine.

"Missed you too, Matty," I replied awkwardly. My heart started to thump loudly. I wonder if Matt could hear it.

"Did you know I love you?" Matt said, smirking at me.

"Uuuuhh," I answered stupidly. Matt's lips came down hard against mine. It would of been perfect if he didn't have beer breath. Matt's hands found my waist and held me up against him. When his lips left mine I gasped for breath, then immediately choked on the sudden oxygen entering my lungs. Matt leaned back towards me.

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