Good Night(20)

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Dipper POV

When I woke, the sun was going down, I had slept through the whole day. My brain felt like it had been reset and it took a moment for my body to realize I wasn't dead. But in a few minutes I was up and moving. I didn't really have anywhere to go however so instead I pulled both the journals from my bag.

The first journal I had read I opened first, skimming through each page notes and paper I had added when translating it.

But the second book was the one that really caught my attention, so I closed the first journal to let it rest in my lap as I opened the other. In under a few minutes Wendy's once clean bed had been turned into a desk for me, scattered in pages of notes and torn pieces of paper that would go into the journal as I worked.

Diving into the journal.

It was a lot like the first journal I read, it covered creatures that were the other journal but it also covered animals that I could only guess had gone extinct by now, and the only mention they ever existed was now left in this book, coded in layers and layers of ciphers.

As I read I could see the differences between how he wrote back then and down. He was a lot more proper before, and explained in more detail about each creature and their habits, the do's and don'ts of interacting with them. He had less pages about his personal day to day in this journal to my disappointment, I hadn't realized how much I was looking forward to reading more of those entries.

Wendy's room had a small window looking upwards so I could see the sky, the sun was long gone but that didn't stop my brain from day dreaming about watching the sunset will Bill again high in the sky.

Feeling his arms around me, the soft warmth of the sun melting into the warmth of his skin. The sway of the arm around us as we slowly turned, I watched the sun go down over his shoulder to the east and the sky dance in dark blues and purples to the west. We had been so quiet I could hear his breathing, slow and steady every now and again he would sigh and my eyelids would get heavier.

The sound of the front door opening woke me from the daydream. Light foot steps followed the noise all the way to right outside the door. She knocked softly, "You awake in there?" I heard her whisper.

"Yes, Wendy you can come in." I answered.

The door cracked open and she peaked her head in, she looked completely exhausted , but she smiled through it for me, so I smiled back at her. She stepped in closing the door behind her then leaned on it.

"What's all this?" She asked, her eyes scanning over the messing notes, crumpled paper, and the journal.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to take over your room." I blushed realizing I had made a huge mess of her bed.

"No it's fine." she sighed, I watched her lay even more of her weight into the door, subconsciously trying to get off her feet.

"Wendy you're exhausted, come on over and sit down," I usher clearing a spot on the bed for her.

"Thank you," she sighed before melting onto the bed next to me, she picked up some of my notes, "Now really, what are all these?"

I picked up the journal to show her, "One of Bill's journals. He writes them in codes on top of codes so in order to read them, I first have to decipher them."

She took it from my hands holding it carefully, "Did he give this to you?" She asked, looking too scared to open it.

I laughed lightly, "No, not really."

She quickly dropped the journal onto the bed, "You stole it!" she hissed.

"No!" I barked, "I borrowed it! I'll give it back."

The God and the Thiefحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن