Queen of Hearts - WhiskeyJaneDoe

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Queen of Hearts - First place winner: WhiskeyJaneDoeKill The Cliche Challenge 

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Queen of Hearts - First place winner: WhiskeyJaneDoe
Kill The Cliche Challenge 

♦️❤️♦️ Part 1 ♦️❤️♦️

Alice straightened her blood red dress as she entered the great hall. There was a time when she'd detested the color red, but now she owned it, just as she owned the plunging neckline and soft velvet material that clung to her curves. She enjoyed dressing up and loved the deep red color that had adorned the palace prior to her ascension to the throne.

Now, the color she despised was sky blue. It had been his favorite color.

"Your highness," one of her courtiers approached her bowing his head as he continued, "The generals are ready for your briefing."

She nodded, checking her reflection in one of the ornate mirrors lining the wall to ensure her hair was perfectly coiffed and her bright red lipstick properly applied. Satisfied, she gestured for the man to lead her to the meeting hall where her generals, all wearing somber expressions, were arranged around a table.

Upon her entering the room, they stood and only re-seated themselves after she took her spot in the throne-like chair placed at the head of the table.

"Majesty," the commander of her forces began. As he spoke, Alice's eyes were drawn to his family crest that adorned his tunic. She'd always liked his crest, which bore a white rabbit, probably because of the significance that creature held for her. She'd also developed a soft spot for the old man himself because he'd kindly guided her when she first came unwillingly to this world.

When the Rabbit continued to speak, she returned her attention to his face. "Our forces are converging upon the remainder of his armies in the Black Forest. After our victory at Boro Grove, we're confident we will be able to finally bring this war to a close."

"He lost half his forces at Boro." The Knave of Hearts, one of her youngest and most loyal supporters, added. "There's no way he can continue this war after losses like that." The man's cocksure grin brought a smile to Alice's face as she regarded him. From the time she'd saved him from the wrath of the first queen, he'd been smitten with her.

But, she'd been in love with another then...until he'd betrayed the ones he supposedly loved most.

Alice nodded, shuffling through the reports in front of her before turning to one of her servants. "Prepare my armor. I shall be ending this war myself."

The Knave's eyes widened with both surprise and worry, as did the Rabbit's, but the two men kept quiet. They knew better than to question her.

Over the years, she'd developed quite a temper, but that wasn't what kept her people in check. No, her people trusted her. After his treachery, she'd been there to pick up the pieces for her kingdom and lead them back down the path of prosperity.

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