Bring the Pain

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Bailey's POV

"I'm in jail, can you bail me out?" I said feeling more anxious than I sounded. I mean I was in freaking jail! My parents would kill me if they found out! I just wish they would get here as fast as they can before my parents come home from their business trip. I was already grounded once for staying up too late, imagine what they would say to this. This is definitely not my finest hour.

"Ya, be there in fifteen minutes," Henry said. I could hear someone in the background sounding shuffling around, then freaking out. I was kinda suspicious at first, but then heard Dylan's voice, so my anxiety subsided. After that, silence. Henry hung up so quickly that I couldn't even get another word in, even though I had nothing else to say. I mean I did drop a bomb on him, so I guess that's the reaction I was expecting from him. If something like that was thrown at me, I would most likely act the same way.

Around twenty minutes later, Henry and Dylan came rushing into the station. Their faces looked like they just saw a ghost, which made me worry even though I was the one in the cell. I felt bad for them having to bail their careless friend out of jail. I mean it probably wasn't on their top ten list of things to do today.

Before they bailed me out, an officer approached my cell and told me someone was wanting to talk to me on the other line. I was confused for a moment because who would be calling me at this hour and who knows I'm here. Maybe it was my parents telling me that they were coming home early and were checking to see if I was already asleep?  My heart rate quickened and my palms were getting clammy. I picked up the phone already thinking of a way to tell them why I wasn't home, but it wasn't. I was relieved that it wasn't my parents, but when was Leah all of a sudden trying to reach out?

"Hey, Leah. What's up?" I said hoping she wouldn't ask where I was and explain to me why she was calling after everything that has happened. Then her voice came to a whisper and Leah sounded like she was dreading to tell me whatever this was.

"I just wanted to tell you what I just heard. Before I tell you, I just wanted to let you know that I presumed that you Dylan were together, so I thought you would want to know this. Dylan cheated on you with Scarlet when you were seeing each other." Leah said which made me want to cry, but I also wanted to know how she knew and for how long?

"I knew it was too good to be true! I'm so mad, but I also am not surprised that he would do something like that to me." I said trying not to cry. I was filled with rage for not seeing this coming, but the pain underneath made me feel like I was a nobody. Like my whole relationship with him was a lie.

"How did you know?" I said wiping my tears away with the sleeve of my shirt. I didn't wear waterproof mascara because I didn't think that this would happen. Apparently, I didn't think that I would end up going to jail and crying from a phone call. This is just my luck.

"I figured you were hooking up because you meet up every other day after school." She said. What she said made me think. How many people saw us together after school?

"Thanks for telling me," I said hoping my sniffling wasn't too loud. I was a mess and this wasn't making things any better.

"Don't mention it. Anyway, I've got to get going. Bye and hope to see you Monday." She said and hung up. I gave the phone back to the officer and sunk to the floor sobbing and hitting the wall. How could he do this to me? I thought that he loved me?

A few minutes went by and the officer unlocked the cell and lead me to Henry and Dylan which seemed even more of a reck than me. I tried to hide my emotions until we got in the car because I didn't want to make a scene. I just couldn't look at Dylan right now, I was too mad. I gave Henry a long overdue hug that reassured him that I was okay. Dylan waited behind me for a hug, so I gave him one too but not as long. We left the station and got in the car in silence. After about ten minutes of driving, Henry spoke up. His voice was quiet and shaky. It was like he didn't want to ask me, but was also very curious. I liked that he could tell that certain things can be touchy and that he should no matter what not get me to get mad by consoling me first. It's classic Henry.

"What happened to make you end up in jail?" Henry said.

"I was leaving Scarlet's party drunk and didn't have anyone to drive me home. It was already late, so I got in the car and drove myself because I knew my parents might come home early. Once I was on the highway, I got pulled over for driving over the speed limit. The officer was about to give me a ticket when he noticed that I was drunk. He took me to the station without question and that is the reason why I ended up in a cell." I said hoping that they weren't mad at me.

"Why didn't you call me to pick you up? I would have done it no matter how late it was." Henry said sounding concerned. This is one of the many reasons why we were best friends.

"While we're all together, I have something to tell you. Before I tell you, please promise that you won't get mad." Dylan said, but before he could get out another word, my anger started to rise when the conversation with a Leah popped in my head.

"I want to say something first. Is it true what Leah said? Did you cheat on me with Scarlet when we were together! Please tell me it isn't." I said letting out all the emotions that I had held in for so long. All of the hurt and pain, released.

"It's true." He said which made a lump set in my throat and my tears cloud my sight. I didn't know what to do or say at the moment. All I wanted to do was get out of the car before I do something or say something I would regret. I couldn't even look him in the eye.

"I can't believe you did that to me! I thought you loved me!" I said punching him in the shoulder a couple of times wanting the pain to go away, but I knew it wouldn't. All this built up anger and pain came rushing out and I couldn't stop it from happening.

"I can explain. Please let me explain why I did what I did. I'm begging you to please listen." Dylan said which made me see the hurt in his eyes. All I wanted to do was to hug him and listen, but the hate I felt towards him took over.

"Pull over now. I don't want to hear it!" I said. Hurt filled both Henry and Dylan's faces as the car came to a stop. Without turning to look back at them, I got out of the car and slammed it shut behind me. They waited for a while before taking off and leaving me in the middle of nowhere on the side of the road.

I fell to the floor, my head between my knees crying from what just happened. On top of that, my head was spinning from all the drinks I had at that party. What had I just done? I shouldn't have been so stupid. I should have stayed and listened, but my anger took over. I looked at my phone and started scrolling through my contacts. I clicked on Jacob and hit dial. The phone ring for about a minute before he picked up.

"Hey, what's up?" He said.

"Sorry for calling so late, but can you pick me up?" I said trying not to let Jacob hear that I have been crying.

"Ya sure. Is everything okay?" He said which make me hesitate.

"Ya, just had a bad day that's all," I said trying not to sound like I just had the worst day ever because I really didn't want to talk about it.

"Okay. Where are you?" He said. I heard shuffling in the background which leads me to think that he was probably sleeping or getting ready to. I should have just walked home, now I feel bad.

"I'm somewhere downtown. I'm near the cafe." I said hoping that he knew what I was talking about. I mean we did come here a lot with Henry, Leah, and Scarlet before all of this drama started.

"I will meet you there in ten minutes," Jacob said and hung up the phone.

Once Jacob got here it was about 12:00 in the morning and I was so tired and happy at the same time that Jacob was here. I got in the car right away and gave him a long hug, thankful that he was here. We stayed like that for a while before Jacob asked me what happened. I told him everything and tried to hold back the tears, but it was no use. The hurt and pain came tumbling back and I couldn't stop it.

I started to calm down a little bit when I started to realize how cute Jacob looked. I hadn't paid any mind to him because I had only thought of him as a friend, but wow. He tucked my hair behind my hair as he did on the night of the party, which made the hairs behind my neck stand up. Before I knew it, he was leaning in to kiss me. I couldn't even think or do anything. It was like my mind had shut off and all I wanted to do was kiss him back, so I did!

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