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I watched him all night but he never stopped, well that's a lie he did but only brief moments. When I was eating or drinking sips of water he would pause and find a place to enter always coming out right as I finished. Then he would continue on as I did, making me wonder if he was watching me just as much I was him. Maybe he was leading me somewhere and I just didn't know yet, I have never been to the places he was walking so I was following him for sure. He was not a figure of my imagination because he'd drop apples off of stands when he saw children or knock over things.
This was the second town we had been to in this desert so I had asked around telling where I had come from and the direction I was walking to see if there was meaning to going this path rather than another. Many when told of my travels, they were on edge saying be careful and there's not much and some said there's wild people out there the people being "uncivil" "crazed." Either way I continue to follow him for I must already be crazed for following in the first place.

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