Chapter 3

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After a fairly long time, I had a sudden need to update this story, which I really like, so here you go. Quite a long chapter too, meaning I spent a bit of time writing.

I would really appreciate some likes and comments from you, readers, to decide whether it's worth going on with this. I have cancer and I have no idea how long I have left. Could be months, could be years (despite Doctors' initial opinion, I'm still alive and well, but it can change fast).

Point is, I'm not willing to waste valuable time on stories no one wants to read. So please, let me know, it's kind of important to me.

Thanks for your time and enjoy.


After training, I went down to the holding cells to meet with last night's catch. Mine had turned into a handsome thirteen year old boy, dressed in a black T-shirt and assorted tracksuit bottoms. Of course, he turned back naked. We offered standard issue clothing, one size fit all, mainly because, thanks to their sire, they all shared the same tall, athletic frame. And yellowish brown eyes, currently staring at me with a mix of fear and confusion. The poor kid just woke up with a hell of a headache, locked in a concrete-and-steel box, after going to bed in his own room.

I stayed on the good side of the bars while waiting for him to process. He was clearly of Asian descent, on his mother's side no doubt. First gens always took their looks from their mums, they never gave any clue of their absentee father's appearance, aside from the aforementioned details. Not much to go by, considering we couldn't arrest every buff guy over six foot.

I smiled and handed him a glass of water and a couple of pain-killers. He seemed to relax a little. Good. "I'm Gina, can you tell me your name?"

"It's Lee. Lee Walters. Where am I? How did I get here? I need to call my mum!"

"Calm down and take the tablets first. Your head must be pounding. You'll be home very soon, no need to worry. I will explain."

"Okay?" He seemed shaken, but he did as he was told. A sweet boy, reasonable, following instructions. This was important. We couldn't very well release a wannabe thug with the knowledge he might turn into a murderous beast at night, and expect him to lock himself in responsibly.

I started with the standard questions, took his date of birth and address and entered them in my tablet. Our tech geeks would check him out and make sure he hadn't shown signs of anti-social behavior. Better safe than sorry. If he had, he would be sent for a less-than-pleasant training into a jail-style facility. If not, it would be relocation for now, and army in a few years.

They would also contact the family, so that they would be there for the big reveal. For the moment, I told him he had been found wandering in the park at night and was unable to tell us who he was. Which was true, sort of.

He took it well. Turned out he had been waking up in his garden for the past few days, which he had attributed to sleep walking. He had seen a physician, who had booked him for a sleep study. This was one appointment he could cancel.

While waiting for everyone to arrive, I popped out for donuts and coffee, and a hot chocolate for my ward. Inflicting canteen food on him would be adding insult to injury.

I was licking my fingers when his mum walked in. Her name was Lily, a petite, energetic woman. His stepfather came with her, but my questions for her were not for his ears. I sent him to fill forms while I lead his wife into a meeting room. She would be in better spirits now than after hearing the news.

After proper introductions, I opened the hostilities. "Can you give me the name of Lee's father?"

She frowned. "Ask him yourself, he is just outside."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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