Before you pour your heart out, make sure she's not listening

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Previously on Supercorp// No more Secrets; No more Secrets

Kara's thoughts

I know. I know, I'm lying to her again. I am very well aware that I should tell her how I feel about her but I uh...


Kara's POV

I didn't know what would happen if told her that I had had feelings for her since the day i met her. I mean she was my best friend, I was sure she would hate me and never talk to me again if she ever found out. And I really didn't want to lose her, especially that I had just got her back.

I was not screwing things up between us again.

Third-person POV

After they talked and promised no more secrets Lena laid on Kara's laps. They relaxed in each other's arms for the evening. They were happy to have each other back even though it was as friends and not more. Neither of them knew what the other felt about each other, but if one had decided to tell the other the truth then maybe they would have a chance at maybe even great. But they were too afraid of losing what they had. Friendship was enough at the moment. At least each settled for it

It was already late, and Lena was staying the night, so there was no rush. They just sat in the couch and watched the next episode of Jane the Virgin. It was a comfortable silence.

Since neither of them uttered a word, they both thought that the other was asleep because Lena thought that Kara had fallen asleep, and she didn't want to wake her so she just decided to remain in the same position she had been since their conversation to avoid disturbing the Kryptonian; she knew Kara needed the rest. Kara on the other hand thought that Lena was asleep and she didn't want to wake her up, she knew if she moved from Lena's laps, she would definitely wake her up.

So the Kryptonian decided to speak her mind. She wanted to tell Lena how she felt about her, even though she knew that Lena couldn't hear her, but at least she would've told her right?

"Lena I know I never told you this but I have had feelings for you from the first moment i saw you. Feelings that have never gone away no matter how many times I tried to get rid of them. I really like you, I have for a long time. I don't know why I said 'like' though because it's more than that. I love you Lena, and I know you can't hear me but I just had to tell you. I can't bring myself to tell you in person because I know that if I did, everything will change and you'll probably get hurt more times than you could count and I don't think I can handle you getting hurt, I don't know what I'll become if someone hurt you just because they know you are my weakness, my kryptonite. I'm afraid of what I'd do to them, I might cross a line I can never come back from just because I want to protect you, shield you from both our foes" she continued 

"I remember the first time I saw you in your office, and I just wanted to know everything about you since then, I felt something drawing me to you and from that day I've never been able to keep you out of my mind. Every time I see your green emerald eyes, they pull in too deep and every time I try to get you out of my head, I can't, you keep coming to my frontal lobe every minute of every hour. I've never told you or anyone this except Alex who figured it out but every time I'm fighting some alien or any villain I think about you and when I'm angry and just want to blast everything in front of me to small pieces, I focus on your heartbeat and it calms me down. And I know it may sound silly but you are the one person that has the power to calm me down and tear me apart, and I'm afraid to succumb to my desires and feelings because every time I'm with you, I just want to hug you and never let you go. But I can't do that, and as much as it gets harder and harder to put my feelings for you aside, it's proven quite impossible. But I also can't stop talking seeing you, I never want to stop being friends with you. Anyway, I'm starting to think that I'm going insane, because I'm talking to my best friend who is asleep on my couch, about my feelings for her, and she can't hear me. I know I should follow my heart and all that or at least that's what Alex is telling me to do but I'm scared that if I follow my heart you are going to get hurt. So, I just think it's better to not have you as mine but have you as my best friend and see you happy, rather than having you and risk losing you or putting you in more danger"  she paused then continued 

"And you know the one thing that's funny about all this is that I'm probably way over my head about all this because you probably don't feel the same way, and I don't want to ruin our friendship any more than I already have by lying to you about my identity. And I know we said no more secrets but this is one secret Lena that I'm afraid it will collapse every wall around us, and I know that my life is no life without you in it. But you'll always be my best friend, and I'll always be here if you need me, I promise you that. And that's it, I think I've said everything I had to say even though I was basically talking to myself, anyway have a good night I'll be here when you wake up my sweet Lena" the Kryptonian ended her long speech

Lena had never heard this side of Kara; she had never seen her this vulnerable.

What was she going to do?

She obviously felt the same way about Kara, but after what she heard she was confused.

She wanted to tell Kara that she loved her too, but she was still processing the fact that Kara had feelings for her. The fact that Kara loved her, loved her in a more than friendly way.

"Kara loves me?" she thought, "but how?" 

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