Chapter 2

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Third person's pov

(Seven years later)

Sebastien. Martha had named him Sebastien after her mate. She was still living literally off of scraps and had to work hard to make the ends meet but still managed to feed herself and her son. She managed to convince everyone that Sebastian was her biological son and was an omega as well.

Not that anyone would suspect. Things had gone from bad to worse after the beta had taken over. They had their own problems to worry about. Martha had revealed her son's true identity to only one person. There was a werewolf named landyn who lived outside the pack. He was skilled in the art of werewolf training and defence.

He had been friends with Martha's mate when he was alive. Martha had begged him to train her son and teach him because she feared that if he went with other pups then he would be discovered to be alpha and would be killed.

She thanked moon goddess that he had agreed. Treated like dirt in her own pack and with things being unstable no one cared where she left with her son and came back from. Many thought that she went to the forest to find wild berries or food for herself and her son because that's what she did most of her freetime she got.

Sebastian though did not understand anything. Like any other kid he wanted friends, toys but he never had them. One day while he and Martha were coming back he asked, 'Mommy where is my daddy?'

'He is with moon goddess, honey.' she replied back. 'Mommy, what does he do there?' he asked.

'Just like mommy works for and serves our leader in the pack house he works for the moon goddess.' Martha replied thinking about her own mate. 'BUT you always come back mommy.' He said to her. 'He can't, he works very hard but he is very happy seb.' Martha said.

Suddenly both of them fell down. They both had scratches. Martha aldready being malnourished looked at her scratch. She knew it would take time for her wolf to heal it. 'Are you alright seb?' she asked him.

'Yeah mommy.' He replied. She saw it was aldready healing very fast. Alpha blood! She looked around to confirm that no one had seen it. She quietly took him back home.

Next day when she came to pick him up she saw a little cloth bag in his hand but did not question him. Thanking landyn thay left. When she went back home she saw him doing something but resorted back to cooking dinner for the two of them, which was basically stale grocery items, raw meat from hunting and leftovers the pack house did not want anymore.

Sebastian came upto her and tugged her dress. He made her sit down on a chair and ran to get something. It was a sort of past. He began applying it to her wounds.

'This is  Made out of forest herbs mommy. Landyn taught me how to make it. This will help you heal quicker.' He said.

She did not say anything but just hugged him. 'What would we do without him?' her wolf asked her. 'I don't know.' Martha said to her wolf.

She had to protect him. He was her little Ray of sunshine. Her little Sebastian. Even with all the trouble and the struggle she has to face raising him, it is worth it every single time he called her mommy. She knew she had to tell him the truth about his identity someday but right now just focus on his growth and giving him a not so best but a good or satisfactory childhood to look back at. Her Sebastian was destined to be an alpha, she knew it but she feared that day. She hoped he would not get in trouble.

(Ten years later)

Sebastian's pov

I was coming back from my training with Landyn. On the way I had hunted a big game and was bringing back the meat and some wild fruits for me and mom to eat. Whatever the pack provided us with was can served with a combination of Curroption and bad leadership. The place that I would use to come into the pack and leave from the pack every single did not have wolves on patrol. It was a narrow and little apace that no one paid attention to. I was sixteen now almost seventeen. There were a few peculiar things I noticed. Mom would not let me interact with the pack very much. My wounds would heal quicker than everyone else. My body was built more buff and I attended a training diffrent from everybody else in the pack. I never questioned but why was she doing all this?

I wanted to leave this pack and take my mom with me. I knew we would live better. It would be a rogue lifestyle but atleast away from our so called leader who treats my mom like a slave. There was no future for this pack unless a good leader stepped up.

I went home and started cooking dinner, with mom away most of the time I learned to cook and do housework to help her. She aldready worked so hard.

I finished cooking and the door opened. My mom Martha  stood there.  The most beautiful mom in the world. 'Honey, thanks for cooking dinner.' she said. 'Mom, stop saying thanks' I said to her pulling the chair so she could sit in the table.

I couldn't help but notice that mom was coughing, a lot. She was growing weaker day by day and it hurt my heart to see it.

That night my mom was coughing again. She had a very high fever. I made her soup and gave it to her to drink. She started feeling a bit better. I had to tell sir  Landyn to recommend me herbs that would make her feel better.

'What did I do to deserve you in my life?' Mom said ruffling my hair while I sat by her bedside. I smiled at her. 'Once I turn eighteen, we will leave mom, I will not let work in that rotten pack house anymore.' I said to her. My mom's face suddenly stiffened.

'No you can't leave Sebastian, you can't.' she said. 'Why mom, I don't want to stay here anymore.' I said. She took a deep breath and said, 'Listen to what I am saying carefully. Please honey.'

I didn't know that day would turn my life and my perspective towards life upside down.

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