Change of Plans

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Martis arrived in the studio at exactly 9:45 AM, 15 minutes before the call time he gave his band. While the filming for their latest music video was set at 1pm, he wanted to check and make sure everything was perfect, from the band's overall look to the set design.

He walked towards the buffet table where Chou and Sun were joking around as they munched on various snacks and finger foods. Martis maintained his signature stoic expression that gave him a perpetually constipated look as Sun elbowed Chou then nudged his head towards their leader's direction.

Chou whispered something to Sun, who held back fits of laughter. 

"Will you too stop acting like sissies?" Martis sneered as he approached. "Where's Leo and Clint?"

"Welp, if Lunox's last tweet is to be believed, Emolord had another one of his 'episodes' last night." Chou shrugged then bit on the donut he was holding.

"Sad boy needs more happy pills." Sun chimed in. "Or to get laid. I heard Lunox's parents are really strict. That's what you get for preying on high-class ass."

"Tss, of all days..." Martis threw a face of disgust. He grabbed a can of soda from the table and popped it open to try to quell the building frustration in him. 

Leomord was an extremely talented composer who wrote some of their most powerful songs but he was a poster child for the tortured artist, always brooding over some nonsense.

Their group was such a mixed bag of personalities that shouldn't work yet here they were, famous rockstars, all thanks to Martis' determination and leadership. Nevertheless, he hated having to be a strict, pseudo-father figure to this merry band of misfits.

"And Clint?"

Chou and Sun both rolled their eyes, mumbling incoherently.

"WHAT? Out with it!" Martis commanded impatiently.

"Trouble in paradise." Sun explained. "Pretty major from the looks of it. They ain't talking to each other. It was so bad Layla spontaneously took a plane outta here."

"WHAT?! She can't leave! She's our model! How the fu -"

"Chill out, blue boy." Chou said, putting both hands in front of him. Martis never could control his temper. "Didn't you get manager-san's message?"

"Pharsa already got some new babe so hold your horses," Sun explained. "I called her earlier and she sounded like she just recovered from a mini-heart attack. But yeah, we're covered in the hot chick department. Clint's gonna have someone to smooch on screen, lucky bastard."

"Hmph!" Martis couldn't shake off his dismay despite the relief of having a replacement. He hated unplanned changes. He was a perfectionist who did not appreciate surprises. "She better not have gotten some ugly amateur." He raised the can of soda to his lips and took a sip.

"Speak of the devil, here they come." Chou pointed behind Martis as he let out a whistle. "Hey, she's not bad looking at all! I'd trade smooches with her, hehe... don't tell Masha I said that."

"Recorded and sent!" Sun teased. "You're gonna be doing laundry all your life!"

Martis slowly turned, ready to be unimpressed.

Chou and Sun both leaned back in shock as Martis spit out his cola.

"What the actual f*** man?!" Sun growled as Martis continued to cough out to clear his throat.

Martis stared at ombre red-headed girl Pharsa was introducing to the crew, his eyes wide with disbelief and his mouth hanging open. 

"M-M-M-MISS DECEMBER?!" He spoke in a hushed but hoarse voice. 

"...You know her?" Chou asked as he curiously looked at the girl then back at Martis.

Miss December was the muse of his wildest fantasies, the most perfect woman he ever laid eyes upon... at least in media. Flashbacks of their first meeting filled his mind...

A few years ago, they were nothing but a ragtag garage band that was desperately shopping around their demo. Finally, they caught a break as a small, local record company gave them a shot. Their debut album was released in December of that year, and they headed for the nearby books and record store to check it out. 

It just so happens their humble little record was nearby the stacks of adult magazines. 

Being quite handsome even before all the glitz and glam, Martis never had trouble finding girls. They usually came to him and though he never took any of them seriously lest they hindered the band's dream of breaking into the music industry, he always got his needs fulfilled whenever he felt it. He never needed to look too far, let alone be aided by magazines as girls constantly sent him polaroids and pictures of their naked flesh.

But something about Miss December made him take another glance.

Perhaps it was the thick, blood-red hair that framed her face beautifully... or the contrast of her sharp, cat-like eyes to her innocent, melancholy expression... 

Or maybe it was the nice set of rack she barely covered that enticed him to buy a copy. He wasn't sure, but he never regretted it. It would be the first of many prints he kept in his now palatial home.

He thought he would be done with the mag after a few days, but it soon became his most prized possession. He found himself wanting to know more about this fiery-haired vixen and the more he knew about her, the more he became enthralled. He could barely finish an interview he watched of her as her breathy voice sounded like she was on the verge of crying and reaching a climax at the same time.

He watched as her career as an alternative model exploded. He was glad to find out she preferred shoots and burlesque shows but never did any porn. She had a real name, but the nickname Miss December the magazine tagged onto her stuck. 

Martis would daydream of working with her when they got famous. He was even inspired to make a song about her, which happens to be what they were making a music video for today: December. 

But even as they became a breakout sensation, they still couldn't book her for a music video or album cover. Her manager would always say her schedule was full, much to his chagrin.

Finally accepting defeat, they decided to allow Clint's request and let Layla, an aspiring model herself, to be the leading lady of today's video. But as circumstances would have it...

Pharsa and Ms. December made their way towards the boys.

Sun and Chou looked at Martis curiously as he quickly grabbed some tissues on the table and frantically wiped the soda off him, wanting to look presentable.

"Dude... you ok?" Chou said, amused. He has never seen Martis be so hesitant and frantic. He always had this bravado of having a stick up his ass.

"He's blushing, man!" Sun laughed. "He's blushing! You gotta crush on this girl?"

"SHUT UP!" Martis whispered harshly as he tried to regain his composure.

"OH DUUUUUDE" Chou laughed "Angry boy's gotta soft spot for playgirl!"


Pharsa and Miss December stood in front of them. Martis did his best to exude the usual sense of commanding confidence he usually had while Chou and Sun exchanged looks and could barely hold their laughs from behind him.

"Boys, I'd like you to meet Miss December." Pharsa spoke with a calm assertiveness as if she wasn't panicking like a maniac just a few hours ago.

"Hi." Miss December moved her gaze to each of the boys.

She glanced at Martis.

Martis was glad the cap was hiding most of his face and he tried to maintain his composure, but he could feel his knees getting weak as she flashed him a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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