Chapter 8

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Y/N could feel herself sweat, as she stared at the longer haired twin fearfully, he looked at her thoughtfully.

There was one thing she did notice about these twins. They were ridiculously good looking. Blonde hair, slightly golden kissed skin, and eyes that seemed to absorb everything.

What was it with everyone here being hot?

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Maeta. And this is my brother Nen. We originally grabbed you to eat you. But I think the plans have changed now". Maeta chuckled as he rubbed his nose on hers sensually.

"Brother?" The other twin asked in confusion.

Not understand why his brother was touching the female so lovingly.

"She's different Nen. She smells so good. Doesn't she smell so wonderful?" Muttered Maeta making Y/N gasp as he licked her cheek.

She was shaking now.

"Oh god I'm about to be raped". She thought her mind fuzzy in fear.

"Brother! I don't think we should keep her. Her friends are only looking for her". Snapped Nen the more reasonable of the two.

Maeta shoved his face into her neck, biting on it, and groaning blissfully, he had never had a female that actually turned him on. Never.

"Please. Take me back to my friends. I can give you whatever you want". Pleaded Y/N now close to crying as she shook in his arms.

She felt weak with these two. They were so different from a normal human. Even if they were supposed humans too. Their look and strength was just something else.

She knew they could easily kill her if they wanted too. Hell she was more concerned about the other factor. Dying would be better than being raped.

Maeta gazed into her eyes and loosened his grip.

"Alright. Let's bring you back to your friends. Come Nen". He said picking Y/N up shoving her into his chest.

Nen stared at his brother, he was completely confused, he had never expected for his own brother to be actually turned on. By a human female no less.

As he stared at the girl in his brothers arms, he thought of what to say to Maeta, but as the girl looked at him with big fearful eyes, Nen felt himself flush.

Almost all females in this world were highly attractive. It was how they attracted males for conception.

This female was not anywhere near as beautiful.

But she was different. More innocent and more pure.

Perhaps not completely, but she genuinely seemed very confused by everything, it was pretty cute.

It was then that Nen understood his brothers attraction towards her. He was starting to feel it too.

As they slowly walked back the same path they had run down, Nen asked Y/N for her name.

"Y-Y/N". She said nervously as the twins were both extremely quiet.

Her name was very pretty.

It resonated off their minds like a drug.

"Can I hold her?" Nen asked Maeta who gave a slight nod.

He passed Y/N to Nen as if he was holding a delicate object.

And Nen put his face into her hair, inhaling the lovely scent coming off of her, making him both extremely horny and hungry.

Up ahead, a figure charged at them, his hands bleeding and his eyes a dark red.

"Give her back! She's mine!" Came the scream from Eriol throwing what looked like black mist at them.

This caused Maeta and Nen temporary blindness. Nen dropping Y/N as everything was black in his sight.

The magic didn't seem to affect Y/N however. As she rushed towards Eriol who embraced her. Nearly hugging the air out of her.

"Eriol can't breathe". She whispered and he took a deep breath.

"Can you run? We need to go before the magic wears off". He muttered and she nodded.

With all her energy left, she forced herself to try run as fast as Eriol, managing to make it back to the cabin in one exhausted piece.

As she wheezed outside of the cabin, the door flew open and a large figure picked her up hugging her.

"Oh I was so worried! Are you alright? They didn't do anything right? Let me look at you".

It was Adam. Who seemed completely fine except for a strange green light on his arm.

The arm that had been hit by the arrow.

But Adam didn't seem to notice it, too busy examining Y/N's body, an extremely worried look on his face.

"Adam let me down. I'm fine". She choked out and he lowered her onto the ground.

Eriol grabbed her and tried to hug her again but she pushed him away.

"I'm happy to see you both but please no more hugging! I've had enough for one day". She panted in exhaustion as Rys came strolling up to small trio.

"Oh you're safe. That's good. I see the barrier I put on you worked well. Seeing as you have no wounds on you". He said casually eyeing her up.

"Barrier?" She asked confused and he shrugged.

"It's not a strong one. And it can't protect you from sexual advances. But it would have protected you from any physical attacks such as if they would have tried to hurt you .. in anyway". He finished looking up at the sky his eyes blank again.

Y/N rubbed her head and then remembered Adams wound.

"Your arm! Are you ok?"

He smiled gently at her and nodded.

"Rys has healing magic. So I'll be fine".

She let out a sigh of relief. As much as she didn't really want to admit it, she was starting to get attached to her new friends, no matter how strange they were.

"Come into the cabin. It's too dangerous to go anywhere again. I need to make sure you're completely okay". Adam said sounding more and more like a mother.

Pushing her protesting exhausted body into the cabin, Rys followed them, and Eriol stayed back. Looking over his shoulder and biting his lip.

He just knew those twins would be back. And judging from the expressions they had, they would try to take Y/N or do something worse.

Muttering something to himself, he walked into the noisy cabin and shut the door.

Not realizing he was absolutely right.

The twins peeking out from behind a tree.

Both knowing that there was no way they could let this human girl go now.

After all, for the first time in their lives, they actually craved for something emotionally and physically.

And for the humans in this world that was very rare indeed.

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