Chapter - 38 The new invitation

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"Then do I scare you, Ms Rose?" a very familiar voice whispered in her ear.

She knew who it belonged to but was too scared to turn her head and confirm her suspicion. Everyone on the table looked pale and nervous.

'Damn it.' Eva cursed inwardly.

The manager came running to the table and greeted Liam,"Mr Richardson, I'll show you your table."

"No. It's alright. I would like to sit here." said Liam.

'There is no chair here! Go away!' Eva was screaming in her head.

Manager told the waiter to arrange a chair for Liam and the next thing Eva knew was that Liam was sitting beside her. All the blood drained from her body. She wanted to run and hide somewhere, the idea was appealing but running away  that too with him sitting right next to him was like opening hell's door with your own two hands.

"So Miss Rose,"said Liam relaxing into his seat,"you were saying something."

She gulped on her nervousness.
'Yes, we were having fun at your expense. Oh dear earth! please open up and swallow me.' Eva looked down at her damp palms on her lap. Too scared to look his way.

" Mr Richardson, we- we were just," Amelia tried to come up with an excuse but visibly failing to do so.

" It's alright." Liam laughed it off. "Why are you are looking like you saw a ghost?"

Eva looked at him from the corner of her eye wondering if he was really laughing. Just one word from him and everyone now was looking so relaxed.

"You all come here often?" he asked.

"We used to but recently we aren't getting much time." said Natasha and Eva   could hear the complaint in her voice. But she wasn't wrong because Liam was making everyone work really hard.

"We have a few projects whose deadline is approaching. So I hope you guys won't mind pushing a bit harder and I promise once we complete the assignments you all will be rewarded." he said flashing his million dollars smile. A smile which Eva was sure could fool an enemy into a friend and it worked on her colleagues too as everyone agreed to Liam easily.

'Guys, don't let your guard down. He is Liam Richardson. You lower your guard down for a second and he won't hesitate you to attack on your weak spot. Don't go all happy and hero worshipping!'  She had wanted to shout to her friends but everyone looked so happy as if they were sitting with the president of a country.

Waiter came to take the orders and Liam announced,"Order whatever you want. It's all on me today."

"No, Mr Richardson. It's my treat today." interrupted Mark and it was then that Liam noticed him and asked,"You are... Mark. Right?"

"Sir, he's leading the advertisement campaign of the company." Natasha supplied.

"Oh. It's Alex who deals with all that stuff. So it's him who hired you."

" I hope I could bring success to your business." Mark said giving a polite smile.

"If Alex has hired you then I am sure you will do great. As for the treat it's all on me today."

"How can that be, Mr Richardson."

Eva was sitting in between the two men who were smiling at each other so politely, men who were so eager to give the treat but she could feel the tension between them and since she was sitting in between it was affecting her all the more. She was getting annoyed now with every passing second.

The waiter arrived with their orders and they all digged in.
"Mr Richardson, would you mind if I ask you something?" asked Natasha.

Eva looked at her friend alarmed at what she might ask now.

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