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Noah sat down with his head buried in his hands with his parents standing beside him I was so tempted to break down crying just seeing him makes my heart clench, but I did everything in my power to stop the tears threatening to be let out

"Are you okay dear" Noah's mom said making her way towards me grabbing my hands

"Im fine thank you" I said with my best fake smile, even though they probably knew what happened I still don't want them to know how much it hurts me, me and Noah's mom were close before, but recently we've hadn't had much time to talk seeing as we well all busy before

"Now that your here we can discuss business" Timothy said in his cold and serious voice as always,

"What do you mean business" I asked confused what they were talking about

"I mean what are they planning to do if you choose to divorce Noah" Again I was confused, what I choose is up too me and will affect me and Noah not them

"We can't prove yet this baby is Noah's though" Noah's mom Faye said in a panic tone

"But if this is Noah is the father you know what happens to our agreement" Timothy said harshly

"What agreement" I say worried for Noah's parents, Timothy is cold hearted and only kind to only one, his wife, other than that he only cares about himself

"The marriage agreement" Nathan said softly, this caused me to snap my head towards Timothy

"What?!" I said trying not to shout "what agreement"

"It wasnt so much of a 'agreement' but a post-prenup prenup if that makes sense"

"The agreement states that if Noah marries you his family's debt would be paid, there companies and everything they own will still be there's, but if Noah does any of the following like impregnate another or harm you in any way the contract will be terminated and everything they own will be taken from them, they will also have to pay us back for all that money we gave them to pay off there debt, if they dont pay us back in 2 years time, the whole Austin family will be put behind bars" Timothy said emotionless, while I stood there shock, I remember that, Nathan went into bankruptcy had lost everything, but then a few weeks later he was back on top, I just thought his family helped him, I would have never thought it was because he made a deal with Timothy, but he became bankrupt way before me and Noah even met

Then it clicked. the only reason Noah married me was because he had too, the only reason why he talk to me was because he had to.

That made it hurt a lot more our marriage was built off money not love

"Though the choice is in your hands, if you divorce him the contract will be made void" Timothy spoke

"Can I speak to Noah alone for a minute please" I say shocking them, but Timothy agreed and signaled them to leave, aunt Jane gave a quick hug and a encouraging smile before leaving me with Noah

We sat in silence for a few minutes, neither of us making eye contact with another

"Is that why you wanted to fix things with me" "because of that damn agreemen?" I shouted desperately trying to get answers from him

"Was any of it true" I say breaking the silence

"What" he asks looking up at me

"Our friendship, our relationship, our marriage, was any of it true" I say holding back the tears "or was it all based of the fact that contract"

"Val it doesn't matter" he says standing up, he begins to walk towards me but I step back

"It does matter, I want the truth, I wanna know did I mean anything to you at all, or was I just the girl you had to marry" As much as I tried tears began to fill my eyesI am giving you this chance to explain to let me head your side, to be honest with me for maybe the first time in our marriage" I rushed out, trying to keep my voice steady, as I kept the tears at bay, and the cries hidden underneath whatever strength I could muster

The Ceo's Ex-Wife Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin