31. 'i disagree'

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He woke up and rubbed his eyes and looked around seeing that he's back on the tour bus, he just lay there looking at the wall he was completely exhausted he only slept for 4 hours maybe he'll catch a sneaky nap before the show. He heard his curtain opened and he saw Zayn stood there which means he should get up.

He climbed out of bed and chucked on a hoodie and some joggers before walking over to the seating area where everyone was and he sat next to Louis who looked pretty rough but he's learnt not to say anything.

The last time he asked if everything was alright with him he got shouted at and he was pretty sure Louis wanted to kill him right there and then, So now he lets someone else say something because Louis apparently has more tolerance for everyone else.

Louis sneezed very loudly "Bless you" Harry said softly continuing to look at the flat screen he heard Louis mutter something but he just thought it was a thank you so he didn't say anything. He could see Louis staring at him from beside him something he did often normally he just let him but he turned around looking straight into his eyes. He felt butterflies pool his stomach and his heart clenched, His feelings have only gotten stronger for Louis ever since everyone made him realise his feelings and now he barely knows how to act normal around him.

He always ends up doing something stupid and embarrassing not like he didn't when he didn't like Louis but now that he does he realises every stupid thing he does or say and sometimes he just wants to die. He thought about telling him Louis about his feelings and maybe he'll confess his 'assumed' feelings. But every time he thinks now would be a good idea he chickens out or someone interrupts and then it gets all awkward.

Like the other day for example, Harry had his hands on Louis' stomach feeling the baby kick loads and their faces were really close and they were laughing at talking about things and it was silent and Harry was gonna tell Louis but then Red walked into the room unannounced and ruined the whole moment Harry isn't normally a violent person but in that moment he could've done some ungodly things.

He was snapped out of his thoughts with Niall being pushed on him by Liam and then Niall tackling Liam and he taking them both of the floor and they start wrestling and laughing. Harry climbed over the fighting pair when Niall accidentally kicked Harry's ankle making him fall straight to the floor right onto of them both, they all groaned as Harry just lay there laughing at himself mostly because his ankle really hurt because Niall kicked very hard and for the fact that he thought it was a good idea to try and walk over them when he is the clumsiest person alive.

"Harry get off" Niall demanded and Harry looked down to see them both in a very compromising position, Niall had Liam between his legs and Harry was pinning their chests together, he quickly stood up and continued to walk over to get a glass of squash. Louis walked and placed his hand the small of Harry's back and gently glided his hand.

He placed his glass next to Harry's hand and walked away and Harry immediately missed the contact and practically whined. He took his phone out of his pocket and opened his twitter and tweeted: 'Niall just kicked me down and now my ankle feels broken, thank you Niall' He tweeted it and turned his phone off and placed his on the side.

He walked back over to the sofa and sat down Louis immediately putting his legs on Harry's lap and resting his head on Zayn's shoulder his eyes promptly started to close and he placed his hands on his stomach, Harry just smiled to himself and placed his hands on his legs finding a more comfortable place for them.

"You two kill me" Zayn threw his head back for dramatic effect.

"What?" Harry questioned him

"Can't you just tell him you like him?" Zayn huffed

"No" Harry said shocked "It's not that easy! I can't just say it unannounced"

"Yes you can, what is he gonna do say no? Because from what i've seen he's had the biggest crush on you since like forever" Zayn announced

"Yes, but shut up" He gave up.

"No, i won't shut up until you two are together whether that's tomorrow or in two years" Zayn said seriously.

"Look, Me and Louis are just friends at the moment and i don't want to ruin it if it all blows up" Harry shook his head "As much as i like Louis and us being friends if that's the way it's supposed to be than we'll stay friends"

"Okay but i disagree with everything you just said" Zayn mumbled and closed his eyes folding his arms, Harry rolled his eyes and shut his eyes.


I feel like this book is really boring ahah, i'm gonna cry.

-Anne xx

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