16. Marcin

646 50 3

Translator: Schiotka

Editor: Pasadera, JacquelineMonaie



While reading this chapter, please listen to the playlist. You can find the link in the comments. The music playing throughout the first scene is the song 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' by Steve Baker & Carmen Dave. The second song is 'Mom, My Computer is Broken' [Mamo, mój komputer jest zepsuty] by Cool Kids of Death.

Content warning: violence, sexual assault


You wouldn't be able to enter this room through the door.

It was closed.

Only a small portion of the window was left uncovered by the drapes, through which, amidst the gloom of night, the moon shone.

Even if you craned your neck and stood on your tiptoes, you still wouldn't see much through the gap. It was too dark.

But let's assume you could walk through the walls.

You walk inside.

You hear music.


So much so that shivers creep down your spine.

Chills. Cold, just like the room. Cramped and uncomfortable.

The shelves in that room are bereft of any personal items, picture frames or knick-knacks. All that should be in your average occupied space.

But you can feel there is someone there, besides you.

You take a step.


Then a second...

Quietly... so quietly...

With every step the music becomes louder.

It entrances you. You approach a long, translucent curtain which seems to divide the room in half. So disturbing. Strange.

You pull the edge of the curtain aside. Hesitating, glancing behind it furtively.

At first you see only blackness.

And then you notice a single source of light. The light draws your eyes to the outline of a figure sitting in an armchair, its back to you.

The person is supporting his cheek with his fist, his elbow resting lazily on the desk, and only by the strong build of the arm can you guess he is a man. You can see his tousled hair; it looks blond in the reflection of the light. He slouches slightly, as though bored, staring at a computer screen.

You take a step forward to see what he's watching.

You can see two figures... dancing?


But that music...

So terrifying...

"Take a look at the sky just before you die.

It is the last time you will"

The man lifts his head and leans against the back of the armchair. His hand, bent at the elbow, starts to move. Lightly swaying with the music.

You take another step. You want to know who the man is and what he's watching in such a place.

Third. You look over his shoulder.

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