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WARNING: Mention of blood

He wasn't supposed to feel this way. He was supposed to remain calm and cold, distant. He was supposed to stay away from everyone else, to be alone and not let anyone get too close to him. He wasn't here to make friends, he wasn't here to socialize. And more importantly, he wasn't here to develop feelings for someone.

But he couldn't help it.

You were sitting next to his known enemy, Katsuki Bakugou. You were talking to him as if the two of you were the closest of friends. You were rambling on about your day and he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he seemed to enjoy it. For the first time in his life, he was genuinely smiling at someone. He was smiling at you. And that's what bothered the dual haired male the most.

You were so sweet and kind, full of hope and joy. Noone had ever seen you cry or frown, as if you couldn't feel any other emotion besides happiness. You've befriended almost everyone, not only in class 1-A but also class 1-B. You've even made Neito fall in love with your cheerfulness. He was known to hate everyone from your class, but made an exception just for you.

It was no surprise when you've made Katsuki crack up from his usually violent and aggressive attitude. It took you some time, a lot of time. You had to gather the courage to sit next to him on your first day of school and got almost burnt to ashes thanks to it. But things had gotten a lot better since then. He was still really aggressive towards others, but he was calmer around you.

And he didn't like it.

You two acted almost as if you were lovers. He was closer to you than to any other classmate of yours, closer than Shouto himself. Even though Shouto tried to talk to you a few times, it always ended up with Katsuki dragging you away from him. And everytime it happened, he sent a smirk Shouto's way that made him clench his fists.

He felt so helpless. Not only he had to deal with Katsuki constantly stealing you away from him, he also had to deal with all of these emotions. They were all unknown to him, those were new feelings for him. Maybe that could explain why he couldn't control them. He tried to hide them, to hold them down. But the more he was looking at you and Katsuki, the harder it was for him.

For him to not slit Katsuki's throat.

Lunch time. The only time at school when you'd actually pay attention to him. You liked to sit with him, it had become a tradition for you. He was sitting all alone on the first day of school, so you had decided to approach him and take the empty seat next to him. Every day, you'd sit next to him for lunch and talk to him about random topics. He didn't usually talk back, he was more of a listener than talker. Even though the conversations between the two of you were mostly one-sided, you enjoyed them. And Shouto did, too.

But as he sat at his usual spot, a wave of confusion washed over him. You weren't there, which was odd. You'd usually be here first. Maybe you were still waiting for your lunch?

He turned his head around and looked at the people waiting in a line. None of them caught his attention - none of them were you. He then finally caught a glipse of (H/C) hair, but you were already sitting somewhere else. He didn't have to be a detective to already know who was sitting next to you.

There it was again, the stinging pain in his chest. Jealousy. He didn't know how to get rid of this feeling. Even when he was alone with you, he could feel it parasiting on the back of his heart. The feeling had never fully left him and he could never stop it. Not when that bastard was around, breathing down your neck and following you around.

He was so lost in thoughts, he didn't even notice you sending a worried glance his way. You had noticed him staring at you and Katsuki a few minutes ago and felt a bit guilty. You promised him to always sit by him at lunch, but Katsuki told you he had something to say. Well, more like yelled at your face. As close as you were to him, he still sometimes acted like a jerk.

The school was finally over and all of its student were free to go. The hallways were crowded with people and you'd have to push through them to get to your desired destination.

"FREEDOM!" You could hear Kaminari shout with excitement. You were currently heading to your locker, ready to get out of this building. You were walking with Kaminari, Mina and Kirishima since Katsuki told you he had something to do. You shrugged it off, too busy complaining about tomorrow's exam with your friends.

When you opened your locker, a note fell out. You thought it was strange, but picked it up nonetheless. Your eyes traced along the lines and slightly widened in surprise when you realized it was a confession. You re-read it twice to confirm it, but there were no doubts. There was a red heart at the end of the page which you hadn't noticed until now. You put the note in your pocket. No way you'd throw it away!

The person was telling you to meet them after school by the gates of the large building. You didn't even have to meet them to accept their feelings, you've already decided. They were very brave and sweet, so you didn't see a reason why to reject them.

You've patiently waited for everyone to leave, confused as to why Katsuki wasn't around. He'd usually wait for you outside, but you couldn't see him anywhere. Some people asked you if you want them to walk you home, but you politely rejected their offers.

Once you were sure everyone's gone, you started walking towards the gates of UA. You could already see the person from the distance and the image of them was getting clearer by every step you made.

"...Shouto?" He looked at you and smiled a little. The little action made your heart melt. He opened his mouth to say something, but before he could do so, you had interrupted him.

"I'd love to be your girlfriend." You grinned happily at him. He froze for a second with a blush spread across his cheeks. It was a rare sight indeed. With the last bit of bravery you had, you kissed the top of his nose.

He lowered the knife behind his back. The sound of blood dripping from it and landing on the floor was ruining the moment for him, but you didn't notice it yet.

"I thought you liked Katsuki." He said calmly, but you didn't miss the sadness in his eyes. The truth was, you did like Katsuki. But you wanted to cheer him up, so you shut your mouth about it.

"No, not like that. He's kind of a jerk." You giggled a bit. He grabbed your hand with his own one, staring deeply into your (E/C) eyes.

"Then, would you mind if I told you

that you won't be meeting him anytime soon?"

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