1 - Going To Hogwarts

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"Y/n, wake up." My twin sister, Lily, says sounding as though she was right next to my ear. I open my eyes and see she is only millimetres away from my face. 

"Ten more minutes." I mumble, closing my eyes and pulling my blanket up a bit more. 

"Y/n." Lily says sternly. "You need to get up. We're going to Hogwarts today." 

"But I'm sleepy." I mumble, her words not processing in my brain. "Wait, Hogwarts." I sit up and Lily laughs at me. 

"Your brain totally works in the morning." She jokes. 

"Shut up." I say, pushing her away from me, causing her to land on her back at the end of my bed. 

"You are so mean." She pouts jokingly. 

"Yep, but you love me." I say, getting out of bed and stretching. 

"Just get ready." She says, getting off my bed. "Mum's making pancakes for breakfast by the way so you better get down quick before me and Petunia eat them all." 

"I will kill both of you if you eat the pancakes." I threaten. Lily just laughs as she leaves my room. 

I brush my hair and get changed into a cute outfit. I also put some deodorant on, I showered last night so I could sleep in longer today. 

I glance at myself in the mirror quickly before heading downstairs. 

I sit down at the table and mum places a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"Thanks mum." I thank her before digging in. 

"So, are you two excited to be going to Hogwarts?" Mum asks me and Lily as she sits down at the table with us. 

Me and Lily just nod our heads, our mouths were full of pancake. 
From the corner of my eye I see Petunia roll her eyes. She was not very fond of the fact that me and Lily are magical, she calls it dangerous and unnatural. I think she might just be jealous that we're magic and she isn't but when I said this to her she told me that she isn't jealous, she'd rather be normal than a freak like me and Lily. 
It did hurt when she said that but I'm not going to let it bother me. 

"Are you both packed?" Mum asks. 

"Yes mum." Lily answers. We both packed our stuff a week ago because we're just really excited to be going. 

"Are you sure you both have everything?" She asks. 

"Yes," I answer. "You made us triple check last night. I'm sure we haven't forgot anything." 

"Darling, you don't need to worry." Dad says, entering the kitchen. 

"I know," Mum says. "It's just, they'll be so far away. I wont be able to stop worrying." 

"We'll be fine mum." Lily insists. 

"I know, I'm just going to miss you both so much." Mum says. 

The rest of the morning could not go by quick enough. Soon we were in the car, ready to head off to King's Cross Station. 

I could hardly sit still the entire drive there. I'm just too excited to sit still. 

We finally arrive at the station and I excitedly get out of the car. 

I could barely stand still as we waited for dad to get mine and Lily's trunks out the back of the car and onto a trolley which mum had went and got. 

We enter the station and instantly get very confused as to where platform nine and three quarters is. Is there even such a platform? 

We were wandering around lost for a bit before Lily spots her friend Severus. I was never really friends with him, I don't know why. I have nothing against him but I'd just rather read books than talk to people. 

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