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The forest was filled with bird song. Their music drifted down from tree tops, filling the morning air with such a vibrant sense of life. The chatter prevented the place from being eerie. Sunbeams broke through the trees with swirls of dust motes and highlighted the foliage of the forest floor. It almost seemed deserted. But then something would move; a bird would swoop down from its branch to rummage amongst the leaves, its feathers disturbing the morning dew as its beak found its way to a worm. And then just as quickly as it had appeared, the bird would vanish with its prize. That was the beauty of the forest. No matter how empty it may seem, there was always something hidden. Even the trees had their secrets.

It was no surprise that, in the midst of all its chaos, Merlin found refuge in the forest. Magic was alive here.  He could feel it.  It was almost as if, within the shelter of the trees, magic could be used freely and without fear of consequence.  It was as if Merlin himself could be free. 

But such a thought was dangerous. 

Just as the trees could hide the birds, they could hide bandits or spies or just about anyone who could make a report to the King.  Merlin sighed as he picked another handful of Witch Hazel for the basket.  The illusion of freedom was exhausting.


Merlin had proved difficult to track.  He'd wandered off the forest path, treading so lightly that even the Prince, with all his hunting skills, had managed to lose the trail twice.  That in itself was odd.  On a hunting trip, Merlin was always the clumsiest person in the party, tripping over branches and creating enough racket to scare off the prey.  Arthur was starting to think he did this on purpose.

It was midday by the time Arthur found Merlin.

The boy had been crouched in the shrubbery, picking wild flowers and humming quietly to himself.  He'd stopped at the sound of muffled hooves, and turned to find Arthur staring down at him.

"Arthur," Merlin rushed to stand up and almost fell backwards, "I was just—"

"Whatever your excuses for avoiding your duties, I don't want to hear them.  Now come on, we've lost enough time already."

That was the most Arthur had said to him in days.

"Merlin.  I really don't have time for you to stand about like an idiot.  We're to meet Lord Agravaine tomorrow and escort him to Camelot.  My Father's orders."

"Oh.  Well I've got to collect herbs for Gaius.  Can't you take one of the knights?"


Merlin's mouth twitched into a small smile.  Perhaps Arthur was missing his company after all.  "No?  Why not?"

"Because Lord Agravaine's arrival is currently a secret, and to take the knights would attract too much attention.  People would talk."

"Oh, so abducting me won't attract any attention then?  Charming.  I'm glad to know Gaius won't be worried when I don't come back tonight."

Arthur almost laughed.  "Merlin?"


"Shut up."

Merlin sighed, attaching his basket to the side of the spare horse, and swinging himself up.  "There," he shot a look at Arthur, "happy?"

A Different Destiny / Merthur Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum