Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

My right cheek met with warm, smooth glass. I used my hands to prop myself up in time to see Brax take a wide, sharp turn into Melanie's driveway. I had to peel my face off of the passenger seat window with more force than necessary as I heard the door next to me open and slam shut.

Once I was able to get myself unstuck, I flung myself out of the car, landing on the freshly cut grass with a thud. All coordination and balance went out the window when the smooth blades of grass were woven around my finger tips -- I think I even stroked a few. There was a slight pain in my elbow from the impact, but other than that I was fine. Traumatized but fine. Standing up, I dusted myself off and stood up shouting; "Land! I've missed you, sweet land."

Brax was slowly walking up the driveway, back to me, but I could hear his disgusted grunt. "Land my ass. You're a pain in my ass."

I was about to shout a great comeback to him, I swear I was. One where I was going to jab at his preference for ass activities and that he should know what a pain in his ass felt like. But then Melanie came rushing out of the door, her special lasagna spatula in her hand. I'm quite thankful she didn't need to use that spatula on my behind to separate my skin and the leather seat from becoming one.

Brooklyn appeared behind Melanie, holding what looked to be a dish towel and a large dinner plate as he did some kind of weird handshake with Brax. Brooklyn's brassy hair was cut close to his head, but fluffier on top so he could still style it to the side with his favorite hair gel -- I should know, I was the one who introduced it to him. Now, every holiday that rolls around Melanie makes sure to stock up on it as one of his gifts, but of course I'm the middle man who gets it for her from my hair stylist.

I rolled my eyes and straightened myself just as Melanie reached me, putting a hand on my shoulder. Blonde hair falling in front of her eyes, she pushed it away and inspected my face with her roaming bright baby blues.

"Are you okay?" She asked while patting me down, her spatula smacking me in the left boob as she did so. I swatted her away, holding the chest flesh and scowled at the plastic utensil.

"Just fine, but Brooklyn's boyfriend almost killed me. He's a maniac, he's lucky I don't pour sugar in his gas tank." Okay, maybe I was exaggerating. I wouldn't use sugar on that, it would be wasteful. All that sugar could be used in a delightful, refreshing iced coffee. I'd have to find something more practical.

"Taylor," Melanie chastised while grabbing my shoulders and guiding me into her townhouse, "You took a blood oath that you wouldn't do that again."

I laughed. "You're right, maybe I'll just pop his tires."

"Pop my tires and you're not getting home, princess." Brax's deep voice floated over me, making me wince that he could hear our exchange from inside Melanie's house. Ignoring him and his stupid nicknames, I let Melanie give me an update on the infamous eggplant she had to throw away and instead made lasagna at the last minute.

"Here," Melanie said and held out an oven mitt for me, "Take a look. Tell me what you think." She took a seat at her kitchen island that was surrounded by white barstools, something she repurposed because she saw them in a Pintrest post. Melanie's townhouse was the epitome of chic, it had everything imagined that a modern, sleek two-year old structure would have. The wooden floors beneath my feet were shinier than the slick oil spot on my nose I could never get rid of, no matter how many oil blotting pads I bought. Opening up her electric stove, I was met with a semi-decent looking lasagna, the only flaw being a charcoal color on the edges. Pulling it out, I set it on top of the stove with a grimance.

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