Spider Bite

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"Are you ever gonna give it a break!" I yell as doctors walk back in. I try to fight them but as I start to throw a punch the nights turn off, putting us in pitch black. A second later a more shitty lighting comes on and red lights start flashing. The doctors run out of the room, slamming the door behind them. I try to pull on it and escape in the confusion but its locked. Fuck. I sit against the wall next to the door and once again rub the spot on my arm where they normally inject the drugs.

A loud bang comes from somewhere in the building and makes me jump. What the hell is happening out there?

/I know its been awhile baby, l haven't really gotten a minute where I'm not constantly observed. I'm still alive, just being used as a guinea pig. Something is happening right now but I don't know what. I love you so goddamn much, and if i ever see you again im giving you the biggest fucking hug./

After that I flip to the back of the notebook and start writing about the dreams, trying to see if getting them out will help any. I write about having to watch a Party die. I've had to watch him get taken away by dracs. Having to see him watch me die. Battery city winning. All of the fabulous dying. I try to get it all out, I don't think I'll have another chance.

There's running footsteps past my door which gets rid of any hope I had that the Party and his crew are coming to save me. I don't really like playing the damsel in distress but don't have a way to get out. It doesn't sound like dracs, they have this funny and distinct way of walking. Maybe it's for some other killjoy but they'll take me with them.

"Hey! Help! Fucking anyone! Hey!" I yell at the top of my lungs and start pounding on the door.

"Step back! I'm gonna shoot the lock!" the person yells from the other side. There's a bang and the door swings open. Not Party Poison for sure. "Who are you?"

"I'm Y/K/N. You?"

"I'm a Spider Bite. So this is a long shot, but have you seen a little girl, about this tall, going by Gracie?"

"God not in a little bit. Do you know where she is?"

"I might, if not, I'm about to get ghosted for no reason." she laughs as we run. "Lets just say i used to be a friend of her mom's. Are you coming with or are you out?"

"If we can save that kid I'm in. Lets fuckin go."

Me and Spider Bite navigate the halls, me with a gun from a fallen drac. I'm not used to this gun, and it throws off my aim a little. It's not that it's any different, but it sure feels different.

"Alright, so you down to keep watch for a second?" She asks.

"Just be quick, they've gotta be sending reinforcements."

She nods and I keep looking down either side of the hallway. Dracs start flooding in from one side and I yell for the Spider Bite to hurry up.

"I got her, let's go."

Me and Spider run, trying to find a way out. The dracs are hot on our tail. We end up hiding in a storage room, unable to find an exit.

"So how'd you end up here?"

"I was checking out a sighting with Cherri Cola and we got ambushed. I dont know where he is but when they realized i wont tell them anything they started using me so test out this fuckin nightmare drug. You?"

"I've been taking care of her for awhile, she's special. That's why bli's after her and why i have to get her out."

"How's she special?"

"I'll tell you later. First we gotta find a way out here."

"You thinking what i'm thinking?" I ask, looking up. She looks at what I'm looking at and then back at me. "I'll give you a boost."

Both of us aren't tall enough to get up there but together we get Gracie up. We finally have a letter or sort.

"Ladies first."

"That's how I die." she says, looking at the precausily placed things.

"No you won't, watch.'' I climb up and boost myself into the vent. She starts carefully climbing after me.

"Hey! There're in here."

Me and Spider Bite both freeze for a second.

"Fuck fuck hurry up!" I try to reach out to her but she doesn't keep climbing, looking back.

"Go! Just get Gracie out!"

"I can't just leave you!"

She tosses me some keys. "Get her fucking out. You'll see the car. Hurry-" She gets hit directly in the back, sloping her mid sentence.

I stare for a second, and then tell Gracie to go. We just crawl through the vents for a second before I ' d break a cover open and drop down onto the ground. Gracie hesitates for a second but jumps down, letting me catch her.

"Can you do me a favor?" I asked her. She nods. "Ok. can you close your eyes and cover your ears for me sweetheart?"

She does it and I run, trying to keep her from getting hit and shooting dracs. I get hit in the arm holding her and I grit my teeth, I can't afford to focus on the pain just yet. I might not know her but Spider Bite isn't dying in vain on my watch. I see a bright green car just sitting there. I jump into the front seat, putting her in the passengers and telling her to duck. I put the key in the ignition and get the fuck out of here. When we're out back in the desert. Going way faster then we should be, but I told her to put her seatbelt on. I'm close to passing out but what can I do? I have to find someone. Maybe they can get her and my little notebook to party. My visions started to go dark around the edges. I come to a stop and the last thing i think before i pass out is if this kid survives it shes gonna need fucking therapy. 

it seemed like a good idea at the time (sequel to cabin fever)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu