Draco's fun

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Draco's POV

I was not gonna let Mione have all the fun. noooo waay. So I thought for a while then it hit me. This is gonna be fun.


I slowly and soundlessly creep into Hermione's room without a sound.

is this creepy? naaaaah

I then take if my shirt. It'll make her reaction 10x funnier. so i lay down in the right side of the bed. I start to doze off when Hermione starts to stir. I look at her and shes crying. She then starts whimpering

"Please no, I don't know anything. No, no, no no no"

I hesitate but start shaking her

"Mione. Wake up! Hermione!"

She wakes up crying even more


she starts hugging me

"Every night all i see is your aunt torturing me. Every time I walk in that room. I feel the pain in my wrist. And every time I look at my arm. Im reminded of what I am. A filthy little mudblood."

"shhhhhh. Hermione don't say such things. you are double the person I will ever be and I respect you entirely"

she sniffles. "Really?"

"Yes" I say with a smile

I sigh.

"Shes gone. She'll never hurt you and I wont allow anyone to ever hurt you. I promise, til the day i die"

she smiles

"Thank you Draco"

I smile back.


I get up to leave but she grabs my hand.

"wait! stay. Please."

I give a small smile and a small nod.

I lay down. Hermione lays down facing me. I hug her securing her in my arms. She drifts asleep with her hands on my chest.

it felt good to know she was safe.

well there goes making her flustered


just did a ton if updates on my Gif imagine/one shot book lots if marvel please check it out. I don't got much reads and it would really just mean alot to me

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