The Rocking Horse

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One night when I was maybe 10 or 12 I had trouble falling asleep. My bedroom was the entire top floor of our house with my bed and such being on the left side and storage closets in a play area on the right.

I was lying in bed when I heard a noise from the other side of the room and saw a rocking horse begin to rock it was sitting just outside one of the storage closet doors.

It proceeded to rock it's way halfway across the room and stopped dead under the ceiling light. At this point I was freaking out and just buried my head under my blankets.

I took a small peek from my blanket and saw the most horrifying creature I have ever seen. It was a man with a long neck with its head tilted 180 degrees it's looking at me...

I was so scared at that time that I decided to close my eyes and started to drift away from reality. When I woke up the rocking horse was still in the middle of my room.

But then I felt another burning sensation in my limbs when I checked what it was. It was a long cut in my arm but not worse enough for it to start bleeding.

Furthermore I got a stern reprimand from my parents from being up out of bed playing with toys well past my bedtime. Their bedroom was directly below the storage closet/play area and had heard creaking shuffling across the room. They never believed what I saw in the bedroom and they believe the cut in my limbs were just injuries from playing in the rocking chair.

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