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They were enjoying a quiet meal at Wei's house, one that Wei cooked himself in an attempt to resume his healthy habits, when he noticed that Yunlan seemed distracted, like he had something on his mind.

"What is it?"

Yunlan shifted on his seat and set aside his now emply plate.

"There's something I wanted to ask you, but if you don't feel comfortable with it I will understand. I just thought you had to know and make your own choice."

It was a weird start, and Wei didn't know if he should feel worried. He kept his eyes on Yunlan encouraging him to go on.

"Well, it seems the chief suggested my name for a commendation for having solved the missing cases of the whole city."

Wei jumped up. "That's wonderful, Yunlan. Aren't you happy?"

Yunlan cleared his throat. "Well, it's not like I did much. Anyway," he quickly went on to interrupt Wei's protests.

"Anyway, the guys at the station want to throw a little celebration and I wondered if you'd like to come with me. There will be most people from my department, there will be a lot of talking and drinking, and maybe some music."

Wei digested the new information. Yunlan was inviting him to a party with all the people he knew and saw every day. Once upon a time he would have avoided it like he always avoided any kind of human interaction, but now he almost jumped on his seat again.

He knew why Yunlan was so nervous. A public appearance like that would make their relationship official to everyone Yunlan knew. It was such a big step that Wei was almost speechless.

He found the words though.
"I'd love to, yes!"

He reached his hand across the table to find Yunlan's and squeeze it. They exchanged a warm smile and talked about details such as the date and place of the event.

That was why Wei found himself one Sunday afternoon surrounded by police officers wearing their uniforms. He had almost fainted when Yunlan went to pick him up and he opened the door to such a sight. He had never seen him in uniform before, and Yunlan looked so good in it that Wei wished he could take it off. Sadly, they had a party to go to.

For the occasion they had taken over the gym used for police training. There were a lot of men and women in uniform, but nobody looked as good in it as Yunlan did.

Many of them approached Yunlan to congratulate him, and every time Yunlan introduced him as "Shen Wei."
Only one man had the audacity to inquire further, moving a finger between the two of them and asking, "Are you two...?"

Yunlan put an arm around Wei's shoulder. "Yes, so back off."

Wei grinned in victory, it seemed like he wasn't the only one jealous after all. He was in such a good mood after that that he even drank a glass or two for company. They sat down at one of the chairs by the wall and listened to the music.

A few people gathered in the middle to dance with their partners, either life ones or work ones, and Wei stole an hopeful glance at Yunlan not daring to say a word.

Yunlan didn't even turn.
"I don't dance."

Wei groaned. "But I love music," he complained watching the couples on the improvised dance floor. There was even officer Hong dancing with Ling, and Wei felt envious. Maybe he shouldn't have drank that third glass of alcohol.

"Go on then." Yunlan's words startled him. "I don't dance, but I can watch. Come on, ask your friends and enjoy yourself. It's a happy occasion, you ought to have fun."

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