Chapter 53- Bill

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Looking up into the tree branches, Bill focused on the stream of water on his right. His safe place was undisturbed. He recalled the last time he had been there before being plunged into this mess. He had begged Scott on a mission. He claimed he'd been ready. Had he?

Chloe stood next to him, wiping her hands against the uniform. They no longer wore Phi's silver crests on their chest. It was replaced by a blood-red letter M.

"I'm sure Diana is fine, Chloe," Bill said, inspecting his gun. And if she isn't, there isn't anything you can do until we get a green light, he would have said if it were helpful.

"Yeah," she mumbled absently, focusing on the U-shaped building through the trees. "You'll be with me the whole time?" she then asked, looking down at the gun in her hands. A taser would not cut it in this battle.

Still, Bill would stop Chloe from pulling the trigger if he could do it for her. She didn't need the blood on her hands and he didn't mind it. "Nobody's getting past me," he said, flexing his biceps.

Chloe laughed, just as their comms clicked on.

"We've got some of the children safe," Chase said. "Move in."

Bill had not pegged Chase for a babysitter type of person, but he shrugged off remarks, fist-bumped Chloe, and emerged from the trees onto the campus grounds.

Helicopters chuffed in the distance as the first gunshots rang out. Majesty's people poured out of the trees and soon, they would fall from the sky. Bill looked back to the dormitories, images of Mike flashing in his head. All the times he and Bill spent running across this campus. Sometimes they ran suicide sprints, other times Bill ran for his life while Mike chased after him, yelling profanities while blue hair dye dripped from the ends of his hair.

He smiled. They could take away everything he owned, but they would not take his memories.

On his left, Chloe dodged punches like it was kids-play. Her hair had been cut into a long bob, falling across her face. A pang of pride grew in Bill's chest as he watched her hold her own. But then he almost got hit in the face, so he returned to the fight. She was fighting for her freedom, not revenge. For Bill, this fight was accepting his past, for Chloe, it was erasing it and starting over.

The grass of Phi's main base was blood-covered after mere moments, the red glistering in the sun. Bullets flew over his head, landing in the ground or a person.

"Push them back. Force Snakehead out," Majesty's voice came through the comms.

"Chloe," Bill shouted, as he and Chloe switched places.

"We need to find Diana," she said, voicing his thoughts as they fought back to back.

Bill dodged another punch, sweeping the guy from his feet. They had not anticipated how many people would stay loyal to Snakehead, but many have and he would have as well, had he not been forced to see the other side of the story.

An explosion erupted from the far left and a wing of the main building was swallowed by flames.

"Did we bring bombs?" Bill asked, frowning, as he ducked to avoid a blade.

"You didn't," a voice joined the comms. "But I did."

"Diana," Chloe exclaimed. "Was that the lab?"

"Maybe," Diana panted, a smile in her voice. "God that felt good."

"Where are you?" Bill asked.

"West corridor, ran into some trouble," she replied.

Bill shot down a guy running at him. "We'll be right there."

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