Chapter 7

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Happy reading beautifuls....

"Its ok! I mean it's not ok but it's ok!!😊"

Author's p.o.v

Two days passed by blur.
It was a cool Sunday when everyone were gathered on dinning table having breakfast.

It was when Anfal entered in dinning room in a crop top and trouser.
Her arms and under arms were on display.
Arsh and Burhan exchanged looked and averted their gaze.
Everyone started pretending that they weren't bothered but in real they were and that's too much.

"Go back to your room!!!"
Anfal was about to sit when ibtihaj's stern voice striked her ears.

She looked at him and then at narmeen who signalled her to obey with her eyes.

Anfal sighed and went back to her room.

She was about to close door behind when he entered or more barged in.

"Change your cothes!!"
He said sternly.

Anfal looked at him in annoyance.

"No I won't!!"

"I don't like to repeat my words!!"
This time he roared making her flinch.

She didn't speak a single word thinking about the consequences and went towards washroom taking her clothes from bed.

Thinking that he must have left she returned back after taking quite long time.

" You aren't going wear such clothes in my house again!!"
He said signalling towards her top to bottom.

" What do you mean such clothes?"
She asked confused.

"Such shameless clothes!! There live some noble men."
He said sternly.

"Woah!! If they are that noble then they won't get affected  by whatever I wear
She mocked him smiling sarcastically.

"Don't you dare to talk back in front of me!!!"
He said gripping her elbow tightly.

"I will!! I will wear whatever I want!! Do whatever the fuck you want to to!!"
She spat on his face.

She wasn't aware whom she was messing with.

He smiled yanking her back.

Next thing what he did was too unexpected for Anfal.

He took her bag from floor and threw it from window which landed in garden and went out.

"What the hell??"
Anfal yelled and started running after him.

Bag burst opened due to falling from height.

"Let's see how will you wear all these shameless clothes in my house again!!"
He said throwing glowing match stick on a pile of clothes in front of him.

She was looking at him with wide eyes.

She tried to stop him but he yanked her away making her fall on ground.

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