Chapter 1

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Autumn arrives with a buoyant lack of subtly. The trees were hues of volcanoes and firework sparks, as Mother Nature is calling out for the towering blossoms of flamed foliage to dance into the warm skies before collapsing as giant confetti on the pavement and trails.

It was also the day where Dream finally met him.

Up close, his hair was dark and lustrous, similar to chestnuts. His eyes were of the deepest shade of the richest earth, reflecting the light they made tiny stars. His skin was completely flawless, his cheeks gave off a rosy glow. Mesmerised, Dream unconsciously mumbled,


Upon hearing his name, the guy turned around and greeted him with a heartwarming smile.

Both Dream and George are popular Minecraft YouTubers, frequently collaborating with one another and playing together. They're really good friends, and would often hang out with one another. Just a few months ago, Dream and George were planning to meet up with each other in real life one day. Finally, after some time of thinking, Dream settled on booking a flight to London to meet him for the very first time.

After a whopping nine hours of flight, Dream had set foot on London. He didn't really know what to expect, other than seeing his buddy. Even though he had seen him before on videos or calls, he was still quite nervous as George has never seen his face before. What if he thinks I'm ugly? What if I screwed things up? What if- He then froze and proceeded to calm himself down.

Before he left, George had texted him on where they'd meet at. It's some sort of a park, where he insists that has a gorgeous view and it'll be a good idea for them to stroll there as they catch up. Dream liked the idea. It reminded him of the time when he and George were playing Minecraft, But It's Infested, where they were watching a sunset together. Two...two men on a date... He chuckled at the old memory replaying in his brain. Not long after, he had reached Stourbridge, where George currently resides at.

Dream checked in to the hotel he had previously booked. He was obviously tired from the two hours drive, but managed to pull himself to unpack his baggage as the time he would see his buddy is nearing. It had hit fairly soon, and he was elated.

This is where the story begins.


Seeing the lad dashing towards him, his heart skipped a beat. George gave him a big hug as Dream hugged back as well. A moment of silence was followed soon after. George let go of him, before slowly turning up to look at the 6'3 tall young man.

"So, how do I look?"

George laughed, before giving a reply.

"Average, pfft."


"Not really. I kinda expected that you look like that,"

George lied. He didn't expect Dream to look that good. It's unfair, he thought to himself. The light brown colour of Dream's messy hair was soft, identical to the shade of a latte. It bathed in the same shades as the path they're on, though dark yet warm at the same time. His eyes were the colour of kelp on the shores, flecking with splinters of driftwood. He was attractive, to say the least.

"Well, welcome to Stourbridge," he spoke, brushing off his thoughts. "As I said, this place has a really nice view, so maybe we can start off from here." Dream nodded.

The two friends walked down the pathway, where the falling leaves danced from branch to ground. The soft serenade of the autumn kept the two peaceful and calm, absorbing into its aroma.

This is quite awkward, both if them thought as they watched a golden leaf pirouetting down a spiral breeze in front of them. Dream reached his arm out and grabbed the leaf, before keeping it in his pocket.

"What are you doing?" George questioned, as confusion displayed all over his face.

"A souvenir, maybe. I like these kinds of sceneries. They're really magnificent."

"You're so weird,"

Dream's face changed into a vision of relaxed joy and unstrained mirth. The awkward moment was immediately shifted into a cheerful atmosphere. George displayed a warm beam. His teeth perfectly aligned and together, both lads start an intelligent conversation as they ambled down the bright pathway.

Author's Note: Thank you for reading my very first Wattpad fanfiction! I'm sorry if I had made any mistakes here and there (which, I would be really grateful if anyone can point them out or give some feedbacks of the story)! I'm planning to make this at least 10 chapters long, so if you do like it, I'd really appreciate if you give this a vote! Anyways, sorry for the short chapter since I don't really know how long to make it, but I'll definitely make the next one longer!! Thanks for reading once again and have a great day/night ahead! :D

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