..෴✿۝CHAPTER 3۝✿෴..

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"Willow, wake up" Willow heard the soothing voice of Mary from afar.

"hmmm" she hummed, still savoring her sleep.

"This child!" Mary exclaimed then yanked the blanket.

In an instant, Willow felt the cold air hit her skin. Shiver run through her body and she stroked her arms to placate the goosebumps on her skin.

"Make haste, your awakening ceremony is under way. You'll be late at this rate" Mary sternly said while pulling the groggy Willow towards the bath.

Am I dreaming? Mary looked younger, like when she was at her 40's. She felt different but she sure carry that scary aura of hers. Willow thought, still half asleep.

"Your skin is like porcelain, young miss. Just like your mother" Mary broke the silence while being sentimental.

I knew this scene! Then she goes like "mother will be very proud of me, for I turned into a fine lady". Willow stared at Mary in disbelief and doubted herself if this was real.

"If the Duchess is still alive, I knew that she'll be very proud. You've turned into a fine lady" she added.

Still in doubt, she looked at her hands. It's strange, why do I feel uncomfortable at my small hands?

"What's wrong?"


"Yes, milady? Keep still, you've been acting strange since a while ago" Mary stated while rubbing some oil on Willow's hair. "What is this black thing on your nape? Is this a mole? I can't scrub it off" she complained, trying her best to make her master the center of attention.

Willow shrugged, not knowing what Mary's talking about. She zoned out and observed her surrounding. Not long after, she came in realization that this was her bath when she was still at the Duke's house. By the time she turned 13, the awakening ceremony discovered her rare affinity and vast amount of magical capacity. Thus, resulting for her immediate admittance at the Empire's Academy,

"Did I go back in time?" she mumbled to herself, trying to sort her memories.

The "me" in that time was a total moron. How can I let myself be the stepping stone of others?

"Hah, impossible" Willow contradicted herself and tried to remember what happened yesterday. Surprisingly enough, vague memories only came to her. What's more, she can't particularly recall the details even if it only happened yesterday.

Why do I recall different memories instead? Willow mulled over and over, but soon discarded the thought after being reprimanded by Mary, who was fretful over the preparation.

After some time, the painstaking preparations was done.

How can they do this to a small body? A corset at this age is pure torture! Willow thought while squirming at the uncomfortable dress.

Unbeknownst to her, she didn't realize that her way of thinking is that of an adult.

Soon enough, his father, Duke Liariaz, came in along with his mistress.

"It's about time for us to leave, are you ready?" He asked with his everlasting stone face.

"Oh my, you are breathtaking Willow. Is that the brooch the Lady gave to you? It compliments your eyes very well" The mistress flattered while giving a calculative gaze on the sapphire brooch placed on Willow's chest.

"Yes, mother" Willow obediently answered, weighing her actions.

"Very well, we shall leave now before it's too late." The duke said then stepped out of the room, his mistress silently following behind him.

Fortunately, there was no trouble along the way and they arrived at the Mage's Tower in no time.

Mana is common in this world as it was blessed by the God, Hekate. Unfortunately, only a handful can use them.

Over the century, there were only 50 magic users recorded throughout the history. Coincidentally, they were all born from noble houses. The Liariaz linage itself were blessed for having 10 mages in the past, making them a powerhouse during the past generation. Unfortunately, five decades had passed and they didn't produce a single mage. Slowly, their power dwindled, making them a duchy in name for the other nobles to laugh at.

Nowadays, the number of people who were able to use magic is increasing. That's why the duke has high hopes for Willow's awakening.

The ceremony had gone underway until it's finally Willow's turn. She placed her hands on top of the orb but nothing happened.

"I'm sorry to say, but you have no affinity for magic" The mage, who was assisting the ceremony, casually said.

How can this happen? Willow stood dumbfounded at the result. She was only brought back to reality when a servant assisted her down the altar.

When she looked at the direction of her father, she saw disappointment reflected on his eyes.

I need to verify this! she made note to herself and meekly went to her sit.

When the ceremony was done, all those who did not pass were guided towards the exit.

At the sight of the duke sitting motionless on the carriage, Willow's body flinched at the malicious aura surrounding him.

My body automatically flinch at his sight. Willow thought hard.

When she was about to board the carriage, the duke gave her a cold glance.

"Who said that you can ride with me? Ride with the maids" he coldly stated.

As if anticipating this scenario, the mistress gladly closed the door in front of Willow's face.

The knight, who was escorting her, felt awkward at the situation.

"This way miss" he guided at the next carriage behind the extravagant ride of the duke.

When she boarded the carriage, the maids gave way but not without sliding a remark. It was rude enough to board the carriage before their master, but they still added an insult making her wonder at how much disrespect she shall endure.

"Tsk, the space was crowded enough" one of the maids stated and Willow remembered that this person was the same one who constantly accompanies the mistress.

Just like an obedient child, Willow let them do what they want and quietly sat at her corner. Many thoughts crossed her mind but she didn't let their remarks slip out of her memory.

The entourage arrived at the mansion and the duke quietly stride inside. Willow followed silently behind, preparing her body in anticipation for what will come.

When he finally stoop inside the mansion, he turned back and voila! He lost it.

"You imbecile!" The duke roared as he slapped Willow across the face.

"Oh dear" the mistress faked a tear and tried to calm the duke, but she deliberately added fuel to the fire. "Willow might just be a late bloomer, she may awaken next year"

Willow was already 13 years old and it's her last chance of awakening. By the time a child reach this age, it's either one will awaken a powerful affinity or leave the rest without one.

"There will be no next year! This is her damn*d last chance and it all went to the drain!" He exclaimed while struggling to breath.

The duke was not on great condition nowadays so he often worked at home. "Lock her up! I'll deal with you tomorrow!" He struggled to stand, but of course the mistress acted as his cane.

Mary silently guided Willow to her room and quickly helped her dress in her night wear. Without a word, she locked the door from the outside. She looked sympathetic but she needs to follow the order of the duke.

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