From The Beginning - Larry Stylinson One Shot AU

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Louis, as a 5 year old, hadn't been very pleased when his mother had agreed to baby-sit their next door neighbor's toddler. He was an only child at the time, and hated the idea of someone younger being in the house, stealing all the attention that was meant for him.

"Are you going to be a big boy and help me watch little Harry when I baby-sit him for the first time today?" his mother Jay had asked him the first Saturday that Harry would be coming over.

"No," he'd refused, brushing his feathery brown hair out of his  blue eyes, and put down the toy train he'd been playing with so he could cross his arms over his chest.

Much later, when Harry's mother Anne had arrived at the door with the squirming 2 year old in her arms, Louis was frantically trying to stuff all of his toys into the toy chest so the new kid wouldn't try and play with any of his things.

"Thanks so much for watching him, Jay," Louis heard Anne tell his mother. Anne and Harry had recently moved into the house next to theirs, and Louis had heard Jay telling his stepfather Mark about how Anne was having to raise Harry all on her own, so she had no one to watch him while she was at work.

"It's no problem, honestly!" Louis' mother responded. "I'm sure Louis and him will get along great... and if they don't, Louis started kindergarten this year, so we should be alright on most days other than Saturday. You're off work on Sunday's, right?"

Louis tuned out the rest of their conversation after his mother had finished talking about him. Adult's could be so boring, and he had no time for their nonsense. He turned on the telly and pulled himself up onto their large leather sofa. Just as he started to get into his show of Spongebob, a small kid with dark curly hair hesitantly walked into the living room and sat down on the rug to look up at the screen.

His mother and Anne were suddenly behind him, watching the small boy who sat on the floor, "Does he speak much?"

"Not really," Anne frowned. "It's a bit worrying at times... but I know he could speak if he wanted to. I just think he doesn't feel like talking. He's actually quite intelligent."

Intelligent, Louis scoffed in his mind. He doesn't even know how to sit on the couch!

"I should probably slip out of here before he notices," he heard Anne whisper to his mother. "Thanks again."

His mother chuckled, "It's nothing! I'll see you after work!"

However, Harry seemed to realize the moment his mother was gone, because he twisted around as the door closed, his green eyes wide and horrified. He pushed himself to his feet, attempting to run on his short toddler legs towards the door.

Louis climbed onto his knees and watched with a raised eyebrow as the tiny curly boy tried and failed to reach for the door handle on the door.

"Your mummy will be back," Jay told the small child.

Without warning, Harry fell backwards onto his small bum and let out a loud, high pitched wail of loss. Louis clamped his hands over his ears as his mother moved into action. Stepping forward to scoop up the tiny boy in her arms and carry him over to the couch. Louis pressed himself as far away from the sobbing kid as he could, not wanting anything to do with the over dramatic being. He was in kindergarten for goodness sake, his mother left him at school every single day and he didn't even cry a little bit. Louis attempted to turn up Spongebob over Harry's wails and sobs. Eventually the boy's crying died down into sniffles, and he was once again watching the telly like he'd been before his mum left him.

Louis watched as Jay slid the young kid gently off of her lap, "Can he sit here and watch the telly with you, Louis?"

"If he doesn't get all loud again," Louis scowled at the mess of curls sitting a cushion away from him.

From The Beginning - Larry Stylinson One Shot AUWhere stories live. Discover now