Chapter 1- Back To Hogwarts

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I stare carefully at Harry as he argues about Quidditch with Ron. I know that Sirius's death has hit him hard, but he's hiding it well. I just really wish that he would open up to someone about how he feels. Suddenly his eyes shift, and he catches me squinting at him. 

Hastily, I turn my head and look out the window to watch the greenery whiz by as the Hogwarts Express chugs on. With our N.E.W.T.S coming up, I really should be spending every spare moment I have studying. This year can't be any better, with Voldemort's return. 

  As I reach down to grab Hogwarts; A History, Ron taps me on the shoulder. I whip my head up, and find my eyes inches from his. A dull heat rises to my face, and I know I've just turned pink. 

"You can't be reading already! It's all you ever do anyways. You should probably get changed, we'll be there soon," he says, oblivious to my recent blush.

With a sigh, I fetch my robes from my trunk and walk out of the compartment, rolling my eyes. Quickly changing into my robes, I head straight back.  

Ronald Weasley is a lot of things. Annoying, stupid, but also funny and sweet. He never seems to notice when I hint at the fact that I do like him, and I'm not sure I want to be with someone that thickheaded. 

Lost in my thoughts, I crash straight into someone. Right from my position I can tell it's a boy. He's a bit taller than me, so I get a face full of his chest before I can pull back.

"Oops! Sorry!" I apologize, a bit breathless.

"Ugh! Granger. I just changed into my new robes, and I don't want your mudblood grease all over it!" Draco Malfoy glares down at me, with such disgust in his eyes, I flinch a little. 

"I said sorry, Malfoy. And I would think that your furry ferret body already had a lot of grease in it," I shoot, staring back into his grey eyes boldly. 

I recall Harry thinking that Malfoy was supposedly a Death Eater. I know that it's rubbish, but if I just prove to Harry that he's wrong, maybe he would shut up about it.

"You're bleeding Malfoy!" I say, pulling up his left arm and pushing up his sleeve. 

To my disappointment, he's wearing a long sleeved, white shirt underneath.

"Now, now, hands to yourself Granger. I can't have all the girls in Hogwarts throwing themselves at me," he smirks. "It's tiring." 

Pushing me roughly aside, he strides away. I don't know why I turn around and watch him leave. He turns a corner and disappears out of sight. 

"Hermione? What are you looking at? And what are you so worked up about?" Ginny puts a hand on my shoulder. 

"Oh nothing Gin. Malfoy has been getting on my nerves," I tell her, checking my reflection on the nearest compartment door. 

She's right. I look absolutely livid.

"Ignore him. We'll be there any minute now. Better go pack up your things!" she advises, walking a bit faster to catch up with Dean. 

Jogging back to our compartment, I find Ron eating a chocolate frog.

"Oh good, you're back," he says, as the train comes to a stop.

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