12. Suspicions.

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Magnus woke up feeling empty and cold. Wrapping the blanket tightly he tried to get comfortable but realised that wasn't the comfort he was looking for. He roamed his hand over the bed but all he found was a cold bedsheet with no trace of his Alexander. He whimpered then slowly opened his eyes, taking in the morning dew escaping from his windows.

"Alexander?" He slowly sat up, but quickly grabbed his head which felt like someone had hit him with tons of hammer there. Why was head throbbing like that, he had no idea. He looked around and noticed there was no stuff of his husband there.

"The hell? Alexander?" He stood up but quickly sat down when he felt his head throbbing again. He didn't understand, he hadn't drink last night, as if realising, he put his palm on his belly, he couldn't. So, why was his head aching like that? He slowly stood up then checked the bathroom and Alec's walk-in closet. There was no trace of him making him worried. He started walking towards the living room while calling for his husband. "Alexander? Where are you? You're making me scared. Alexan-"

He sighed with relief when he saw his husband curled up on the couch with all his stuff surrounding him. He was confused, why was he sleeping like that? He walked towards him and kneeled on the floor and noticed the wet patch on the couch and his tear dried face. His heart tightened in his chest at the sight. 'What the hell happened yesterday!?' he thought to himself and tried remembering if they fought or something happened, but it was all blur to him. He remembered bits and pieces, but not the whole day. He didn't even remember when he went to sleep.

He placed his hand on Alec's shoulder and gently shook him. "Alexander, darling wake up!"

Alec stirred and slowly fluttered his eyes open, only to face Magnus' worried looking face. "Magnus?" He asked softly in his morning husky voice, "Wha-" he stopped mid-sentence when he remembered what happened last night. "I'm... I'm sorry, I'll leave. I just... I'll leave, just give me a minute." He quickly sat up and started grabbing his things when Magnus stopped him and looked at his husband with confused expressions.

"Leave where? Alexander, what's going on? Why are you sleeping on the couch? And all your stuff... What happened?" Magnus' tone was filled with worry making Alec frown.

"Why are talking like you don't remember what you said? You asked me to leave, you wanted to be left alone." Tears formed in his eyes remember Magnus' words from last night.

"What? I did? Did.. did we fight?" Magnus frowned and tried to remember the events of the previous day but came up with nothing. As on cue, his head started throbbing again and he held it with both hands. "Oww! Damn it!"

"Mags, are you okay?"

"Yes, no, my head. Alexander, I swear I don't remember anything from yesterday. I don't even remember when I went to bed."

Alec frowned, held his husband's hand, and made him sit on the couch beside him who was kneeling in front of him the whole time. Magnus did act strangely yesterday. "Mags, love, how much do you remember?"

"I..." He squinted his eyes trying to remember. "Not much, I remember Catarina coming over, telling us that," he looked at Alec and squeezed their intertwined hand. "we're pregnant. I remember clinging to you, trying to process this information. Then Jia's call, calling me to the gard to perform truth spell on the witnesses for advance protection. But," he looked around in confusion.

Alec cupped his face and tilted it, so he can look in his eyes, which looked vulnerable right now. "But what, love?" He asked softly. He was glad that Magnus kind of accepted his pregnancy, the way he said it, it wasn't harsh, unlike yesterday.

"But, I don't remember how I came back, or when! It's all blurry after that. I do remember opening a portal, but..." He squinted his eyes again, tears forming in those innocent looking eyes with the terrible ache. "I... I remember talking to Rosette, but I don't remember what we talked about. Wait, the Nightstorms came yesterday? I don't remember it. What did they say? And, when did they left? What happened after that?"

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